
You can live in Tokyo for 99 yen a month !? I took a peek at IKEA properties with furniture and lofts.

○ A space packed with IKEA ideas The new campaign "Tiny Homes spreads ideas in small rooms" says that a studio in a small apartment coordinated by IKEA will be rented to IKEA Family members for only 99 yen per month. thing. Through this campaign, we are proposing solutions and items that can create a comfortable space even in a small room. When I heard that it was a small apartment, I had the impression that I couldn't put anything in the first place because I wasn't particular about the interior. I couldn't imagine what kind of space it was, so I went to "Tiny Homes" in Shinjuku Ward ... When I actually opened the door, I felt the space was narrow, but I felt the warmth without feeling oppressive. What surprised me was the amount of furniture! I was surprised to find a desk and sofa in a room with only 10 m2. The bath and toilet were independent, making it easy to live. When you go up to the loft, it looks like a bedroom. A large storage space is also secured. [Next page] The height of the room gives it a feeling of openness, and the room is less oppressive.To the person in charge ... Recommended by the editorial department

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都内に月々99円で住める!? 家具・ロフト付きのイケアの物件を覗いてみた