
What is a battery solution?Three factors that decrease inside!Safe replacement method | Gunet pit full of information on vehicle inspection and repair

Engine -related parts exchange [2021.10.11 Up]

What is a battery solution?Three factors that decrease inside!About safe replenishment method


Many people are in trouble because they don't know how to maintain the battery, such as "What is a battery solution?"

A battery solution is a colorless and transparent liquid required to send power to a car.It may look the same as water, but you need to be careful about how to handle it.

In this article, we will explain the outline of the battery solution, the factor that reduces the battery solution, and the safe replenishment method.If you want to check the information about the battery solution, please refer to it.


What is a battery solution?

The car requires power to operate audio and lamps, and the battery supplies power.The liquid inside the battery is called a battery solution, and is also called "electrolytic solution".

Let's take a look at what the battery solution is.

The battery solution is a colorless and transparent liquid (dilute sulfuric acid) with sulfuric acid and purified water.

The details will be explained later, but the battery is repeatedly charged and discharged while driving, and the sulfate concentration of the battery solution changes according to this charging and discharge.

Sulfuric acid has a strong acidic and can oxidize the contact metal or cause skin inflammation, so it is necessary to be careful when handling battery solution.

If you accidentally leak out of the battery container, do not touch it with bare hands, but wipe it off with a damp cloth quickly.If it adheres to the skin, rinse with plenty of water.

The purified water, another component of the battery solution, is a different thing from tap water, removing impurities contained in tap water.Tap water contains a lot of impurities that disturb the original power supply structure of the battery.Be careful not to accidentally pour tap water even if it looks the same "water".

The battery is a mechanism that repeats charging and discharging by the chemical reaction of the "battery solution (dilute sulfuric acid)" and "lead -made pole plate" that occurs during the car driving.

If either dilute sulfuric acid or a pole plate is insufficient, the chemical reaction required for power supply will not occur.In order to perform smooth charging and discharge, it is necessary to maintain an appropriate amount of battery solution.

・ The engine moves ・ The alternator generates power (DC current). ・ The pole plate inside the battery collects DC current -Chemical reaction by battery liquid and polar plate ( * charging / discharge).

Three factors that reduce the battery solution

The pace varies depending on the model and how to ride, but the battery solution is steadily reduced.The main factors that reduce the battery solution are "natural evaporation", "electrolysis", and "liquid leakage".In addition, since liquid leakage can be prevented before, let's check the measures carefully.

The battery solution gradually evaporates when it is affected by heat (high temperature).Many cars have a battery in the engine room, so it will not decrease rapidly, but natural evaporation will be inevitable.

However, depending on the model, some cases are equipped with batteries under the passenger seat or under the floor of the luggage compartment instead of the engine room.

Electrolysis of battery solution is a phenomenon in which hydrogen and oxygen are broken down into gas.It occurs when the amount of power storage inside the battery exceeds the acceptable range.

The electric power (DC current) created by the alternator does not stop as long as the engine is moving.The longer the engine's operating time, the more likely it is overcharged, and the rate of electrolysis is increased with natural evaporation.

If the "sulfation phenomenon" has occurred during the battery inspection, it is evidence that overcharge has been performed in the past.The sulfation phenomenon refers to the state in which the crystallized sulfate is attached to the polar plate when the battery is left discharged.

The longer you use the battery, the more likely it is, so let's check carefully.

The above "natural evaporation" and "electrolysis" do not have a sudden decrease in both.Therefore, if the battery decreases quickly, it may be leaked by the lid or the pole plate connection.

There are two main causes of liquid leakage: falling and poor maintenance.Most of the leaked batteries cannot be used continuously, so replace them quickly.

・ Fall: Sidewalked, neglect, maintenance, poor maintenance: Battery liquid replenishment amount, deteriorated and loose lid, not fixed at the time of mounting, wearing a battery in a diagonal state, etc.

If there are few battery fluids, it will lead to fire and deterioration!

When the battery solution is reduced, the metal part (such as a polar plate) is exposed, so the power cannot be sufficiently distributed.It is important to note that the longer the exposure time is deteriorated, and the performance of the battery itself decreases.Once the pole plate deteriorates, it does not work well even if the battery solution is replenished again.

What is a battery solution?Three factors that decrease inside!About safe replenishment method | 車検や修理の情報満載グーネットピット

In the engine room, hydrogen gas is filled with electrolysis (decrease in battery solution).Hydrogen gas is a highly flammable ingredient, and in the worst case, there is a risk that the heat of the engine will lead to fire and explosion.

At the time of inspection and replenishment, be careful not to work while smoking even if you make a mistake.

Check the remaining amount of battery solution!Inspection method that does not empty

It is indispensable to grasp regular remaining amounts so that the battery solution is not empty.Visually check if the liquid surface is located in the middle, using two lines on the battery side as a landmark.

・ UPPER LEVEL (maximum liquid surface line) ・ Lower Level (minimum liquid surface line)

If the liquid surface is beyond the UPPER Level, or the Lower Level, there is an excess or shortage.In that case, adjust so that "Upper Level or more, Lower Level or higher".

It is safe to check the amount of battery solution at a monthly pace.If you have difficulty in securing time, check it once every six months.

If you look into the battery and feel that "the polar version and the cap area are dirty" or "the liquid is muddy", it is highly likely that it has deteriorated, so it is recommended to replace the battery.

1. Stop in a flat place without unevenness or gradient 2. Spare time until the engine is heated 3. Open the place where the battery is equipped 4. Upper Level and Lower Level.do

・ Shake the liquid surface a little ・ Check by light from the back of the battery itself ・ Check the curvature of the pole plate by looking from above.Insert the chopsticks into the straight -visible liquid tap to determine the wet place in light of the display on the side of the main unit.

How to replenish the battery solution!What items do you need?

The battery solution is troublesome if you spill a little, so let's challenge it with a perfect system.In the following, we will explain the items, preparation, replenishment procedure, and precautions required for replenishment.

・ Battery liquid (battery enhanced agent) ・ Sports, goggles, rubber gloves ・ Miles driver (coin)

The replenishment solution for the battery uses a commercially available product.Because it is around 200 yen per bottle, let's prepare at car supply stores and the Internet.Use the "battery enhanced agent" to increase the power according to the deterioration status.

・ Stop the car on a flat road surface and stop the engine. ・ Spare time until the engine heats ・ Metal clock ・ Remove accessories (to prevent shorts) ・ Equipped with goggles and gloves.

1. Open the engine room (depending on the model type) 2. Know the position of the battery body 3. Open the liquid tap with a flathead screwdriver or coin 4. Pour battery solution from the liquid tap 5. Upper Level and Lower Level.Check if there is a liquid level in the middle 6. If it exceeds the UPPER Level, suction with a dropper 7. Close the liquid mouth tap 8. Check if there is any liquid leakage, wipe it off moderately 9. Close the engine room and finish.

・ Do not touch the water drops on the lid part at the top of the battery ・ Do not replenish tap water ・ Fire is strictly prohibited during work.

Water drops around the battery may be battery solution (dilute sulfuric acid).Be careful not to touch it easily, as it is a dangerous liquid that has the risk of blindness when you see it.

Also, as mentioned above, it is NG to replenish tap water and handle fire such as cigarettes and writers during replenishment.As you get used to the replenishment of the battery solution, make sure you are relaxed, so be careful.

The self -replacement of the battery solution is easy, but there is no danger of diluted sulfuric acid.If you are worried about handling, it is recommended that you ask a contractor.

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H tsu TPS: // w w.Yeah T.Ko M / Pu T /

Check before replenishing the battery solution!

Finally, I will give you two supplementary information on the replenishment of the battery solution.

With the development of technology, in recent years, "maintenance -free" batteries have appeared to prevent electrolysis.Commonly called "MF battery", there are two types, a completely sealed type and a semi -closed type.

A car equipped with a midfielder battery does not require replenishing battery solution.However, it is not always the case that 100 % battery solution does not decrease, so a moderate inspection is required.

The battery performance has a significant effect on filling and discharge.If the battery itself is deteriorated, replenishing the liquid will not be able to demonstrate sufficient performance.

The general replacement pace of the battery is once every two to three years, but it depends on the condition of the car.If you find the following deteriorated sign at the time of inspection and replenishment, consider replacement.

・ The speed of the 6 -tank decrease is varied and the battery solution decreases in less than half a year. -Battery solution is less than Lower Level. ing


The battery solution is slowly decreasing due to evaporation while repeating charging and discharging.Since the battery solution is insufficient, regular inspection and replenishment are indispensable because sufficient charge and discharge cannot be performed.

However, the components of the battery solution are "dilute sulfuric acid", which is highly corrosive, so there is no danger when supplementation.The replenishment work itself is easy, but let's start carefully.

If you are anxious, such as "I do not know the timing of replenishment" or "Self -replenishment is a little scary", we recommend a professional request.Please feel free to contact us from Goonet Pit.

H tsu TPS: // w w.Yeah T.Ko M / Pu T /

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A professional group of automobile maintenance that produces maintenance articles such as vehicle inspection / inspection, oil change, repair, painting, sheet metal, and installation and installation.I hope that it will help people who are in trouble with how to maintain their car.


A professional group of automobile maintenance that produces maintenance articles such as vehicle inspection / inspection, oil change, repair, painting, sheet metal, and installation and installation.I hope that it will help people who are in trouble with how to maintain their car.




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