
10 stylish and eco -friendly cleaning & bus goods selected by ERI seriously!Beautiful body, mind and interior | Low Waste Life with Eri

What if the items you usually use are damaging the earth?Features daily necessities that are environmentally friendly and can stop disposable in order to dispel such ideas.This time, following the kitchen edition, we will introduce the cleaning and bus goods that ERI actually uses.Full of tips for working on SDGs from everyday, you can try immediately!

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[1] solid soap for dishwashing that can be used for a long time


"Because it is comfortable to wash, I can't go back when I start using solids (laughs). This dish soap that does not contain any harmful substances is also cute. There is no place, but just stroking it quickly and foaming is moderate, and it does not decrease at all even if you use it for months. Some people may be concerned about foaming by hearing a solid soap, but the feeling of use is well foamed and the feeling of use is also double -round! Used in the kitchen -derived cellulose sponge that does not produce microplastics. During"

MARIGOLD/マリーゴールド グローブ キッチン用¥715SHOP NOW

eriさんが本気で選んだ、おしゃれでエコなお掃除&バスグッズ10選! 身も心もインテリアも美しく|Low waste life with eri

The rubber gloves that do not use much are also environmentally friendly.This is not a polyester material, but a "marigold" that uses 100%natural rubber.

[2] Hidden excellent player!Old -fashioned hataki

洗えるハンドモップ¥5,280SHOP NOW

"There are many times when I think it's necessary to be surprisingly necessary, and I love this that is not disposable. You can use clothes you no longer wear, but there are some materials that are easy to get dust. But this hataki is.Bamboo Reyon material. It can be said that it is more eco -friendly than polyester because it is a regenerative fiber derived from natural raw materials, but at this time it is said that about 70 % is discarded at the stage of generating materials, and there are aspects that cannot be fully supported for rayons.. I hate that it is exempted if it is a narrative called Bamboo, but I would like to continue to determine the material in the future without swallowing. "

[3] Floor wiper that can be cleaned by washing with water

掃除用品システム・木製ポール¥1,490SHOP NOW

"The" MUJI "floor mop, which I had used for a long time, uses a cloth suitable for floor cleaning. The material is virgin cotton, so it would be better if it was a recycled material, but it was disposable.In addition to things that are not, it can be used for a long time, it is cute, and it cannot be returned to a commercial Quickle 〇〇, which is a mass of polyester! The fluffy surface will often take dust. "


[4] It looks important!Shampoo & treatment

余の箱 角(濃灰)¥4,400SHOP NOW

"The bathroom is careful to reduce the number of bottles as much as possible. The solid shampoo and treatment can be grabbed and washed directly. It has a myol for buying a product in a plastic bottle.It is an item that requires a small amount of usage, and even if you use it every day, it is OK if it is used for more than six months. The Japanese brand "Yo] is a very nice and good plastic container.I sympathize with the posture. If you think that the design is wonderful, you are convinced that your favorite designer Rikako Nagashima is designed!The brand I was thinking and the drum was pushed. "

アルジタル デリケートハイジーンソープアルジタル(ARGITAL)amazoncojp¥2,860SHOP NOW「シチリア生まれのオーガニックコスメブランド、『アルジタル』のデリケートゾーン用のボディシャンプー。少量の使用で済むのでかなり長持ち。バジルみたいな香りも気持ちいい」と、eriさんのお気に入り。Sesame Oil(遮光ビン)110ml¥1,276SHOP NOW「国産のゴマを使って作られているピュアなセサミオイル。ガラスの瓶のパッケージデザインも好き! 1リットルの大容量も一緒に買って詰め替えて使用します。身体を洗ったあとに濡れている状態で全身に使えばお風呂上がりのお肌はもっちもちの仕上がり。洗顔後にたっぷりと塗り込んで半身浴やスチームを当てたりフェイスパックの代わりにも」

[5] Discerning goods gather in the washroom!

「目に触れることの多い洗面所グッズは、出しておいてもOKなように工夫を。例えば以前の記事でご紹介したホタテの貝殻をアップサイクルしたパウダースプレーは、詰め替えボトルに入れ、横にお掃除用のスポンジも置いてすぐにお掃除できるようにセット。またミッドセンチュリーのジュエリーボックスに入れているのはポケットティッシュです。昔海外に行く度に、毎回空港でポケットティッシュを買ってしまっていた時期があって(笑)。今はもうティッシュは買いませんが、大量にあるストックをボックスに入れて使用」ナチュラルトゥースペーストC チャコール(炭) 149グラム (x 1)Davids(デイヴィッズ)amazoncojp¥1,980SHOP NOW「アメリカのお土産で頂いた『DAVIDS』の歯磨き粉に、もはや基本ともいえる木の柄の歯ブラシ。小瓶に入っているデンタルフロスは、中に活性炭の糸が入っているものをチョイス」オーガニックコットン フェイシャルラウンド 10枚入り¥2,200SHOP NOW

"Cotton of cloth that is comfortable to use is active in makeup removal etc. If you use it, just wash it by hand and dry it, one last lasts."

[6] Making a softener that can pursue your taste

"I am addicted to making softener myself recently! I was worried about commercial bottles, I didn't like the excessive scent, and I didn't use the softener itself.Cotton and so on are still rugged, so I started making it myself. I just buy glycerin and citric acid at the pharmacy and mix with my favorite essential oils (not colored). Fluffy fluffy.It's more comfortable to have a moist and natural texture than a finish. However, it is difficult to find organic or tracea things in the glycerin production background, so I am improving the recipe recently to omit it. "

[7] Washing bag that protects clothes and the earth

グッピーフレンド・ウォッシング・バッグ(洗濯ネット)¥3,960SHOP NOW

"I want you to use this absolutely when washing chemical fibers! I think the washing bag sold on the Patagonia website is the basis for preventing microfibers from leaking to the river or the sea.I want to reduce chemical fibers as much as possible from the closet, but it's important to value the clothes I have now. "

If the scenery changes, your consciousness will change.Message from eri who pushes her back

"Some of the ones introduced this time require more care than disposable, and some may hesitate. But if you change what you use in your daily life, the daily scenery will change.Things look cute and familiar to the interior, and feel good.

First, try it, and if you don't suit you, just go back.Once you start, if you think that you will definitely have to commit, try it first.For example, even if you go back to disposable or return to plastic products, you may feel guilty or uncomfortable.But I would like to cherish my feelings that I feel guilty and have fun choosing what is good for me and what is suitable for my life. "

【PROFILE】eri(えり)/1983年NY生まれ、東京育ち。デプトカンパニー代表、デサイナー、アクティビティスト。’97年立花ハジメとLowPowersでデビュー。’04年自身のブランド「マザー」をスタートし、’15年に父が創業した日本のヴィンテージショップの先駆けでもあった「デプト」を再スタート。その後、テーブルウェアブランド「TOWA CERAMICS」、輸入雑貨店「DONA DONA TOKYO」などを手掛け、ヴィ―ガンカフェ「明天好好」のプロデュース、NY在住の文筆家・佐久間裕美子と社会問題をメインテーマにしたpodcast“もしもし世界”の配信を始めるなど、ファッションの枠を超え活動している。最近では可能な限り環境負担のかからない自身のライフスタイルや企業としてのあり方をSNSを通し発信し、気候変動・繊維産業の問題を主軸にアクティビティストとして様々なアクションを行っている。あわせて読みたいCOP26参戦レポート! グローバルに気候変動を考えよう「Honest Closet(オネスト クローゼット)」始動! 環境問題に一歩踏み出すきっかけに 電力シフトでイージー&パワフルに環境を守る|Low waste life with eriあわせて読みたい 業界人おすすめの「エコ洗剤」はこれ!おしゃれで環境にやさしいオーガニックな洗濯洗剤6選オーラルケアもオーガニック&エコで選ぶ時代! サステナブルな歯磨きグッズ16選ファッション大国フランスの新しい環境対策10 This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at pianoio