[Explosion fishing thanks] I went to the sea fishing pond with Honda "Fried +"
I love travel and drive!Have you ever been to "fishing"?
Both everyday use and auto camp seem to go to auto camp with a minivan "Fried +" with a small turn (http: // Travel..watch.IMPRESS.Child.JP/DOCS/TOPICS/1037296.As I mentioned earlier, I went to a marine fishing pond, which can be enjoyed by hand, with a fun friend, "Fishing is the first time!"
コンパクトなのに5人乗りで荷室もちょうどいい「フリード+」。たくさん積めるだけでなく、荷室のフロアがとっても低いので積み込みがラクチン♪When I went to the camp last time, I used a lot of genuine optional supplies, such as a "slide door window mesh" like a screen door, and a "luggage cushion mat (cushion type)" that can be stayed in a car comfortably, but I used it conveniently.What I particularly liked was the "rubber mat" and "luggage tray (high type)", which can be washed later, whether boarded with dirty shoes or luggage that became messed up, but can be washed later.
Although the whole family loves fishing, cleaning cars after fishing is still difficult.If you inadvertently spill the bait with plenty of am shrimp on the carpet, remove it, clean it with a high -pressure washer, and dry it in the sun.I know the difficulties of that, so I understand that convenience.
That's why I go fishing with Fried + with a fun friend, "Fishing is almost the first time"!
「いっぱい釣るぞ~! おー!!」ちなみに一番右で一人だけマイ・ライフジャケットを装着しているのは高1になった筆者の息子のNくん。釣り歴10年以上ということで講師役を手伝ってもらった梅雨の季節には珍しいほどの快晴、しかも無風で本当に最高の釣り日和。みんなの期待が高まるとともに、案内する筆者は「釣れなかったらどうしよう……」という心配でいっぱいに(笑)Usually, "Let's go to the ground in XX in Chiba!"I had a relatively unreasonable request that women went to a place where women could enjoy it with peace of mind (laughs).
That's why I chose Miura Kaio, a rare marine fishing pond in Kanto.Unlike a fishing pond using ponds and pools, it is a large facility made on a real sea, so you can easily enjoy the same pleasure as going offshore by boat.
Then, if you say "you can definitely catch", it is a natural sea and a living fish.Although it is released, there is no doubt that it will be greatly influenced by the weather, gimmicks, food, and above all the "angler arm" (by the way, even if you can not catch it at all, there are two red sea bream gifts.)
Then, while expecting a beginner's rack, start fishing immediately!
釣りには潮汐(ちょうせき=満潮、干潮など潮の満ち引きにより海面水位の変化)が大きく影響します。一般的に大潮(おおしお)など潮の満ち引きが大きな日の方が「釣れやすい」といいますが、まあ、正直釣れる日は釣れる、そうでない日は……(笑)左が真鯛などに向いた仕掛け、右がブリやカンパチなど青物に向いた仕掛けの例(みうら海王の資料より)。「リール」と「ウキ」はともかく、「クッションシンカー」や「ハリス」など初めての人には聞き慣れない用語もありますが、一式レンタルできるので大丈夫First of all, we have you dress suitable for fishing, explain the fishing utensils, and explain the precautions for preventing accidents, such as "If you put your finger in the mouth of the red snapper, you will be bitten", and the basic fishing method.Start fishing while shining.
Put the bait, release the reel, hold the thread with your finger, and pawn the device!And put it into the sea.Let's wait for a while ... Hit while saying!
N -kun would have asked for a lecturer when he thought.It is the first time that you catch yourself without reading the air (laughs).
「よしっ」と言いながら、早速シマアジをゲット! ウキのちょっとした動き=「あたり」を見逃さず、魚が針をくわえたら一気に竿を立てて確実に針を食わせるのが逃がさず釣り上げるコツA perfect condition of the sunny, too hot, no wind and waves.After that, everyone fired one after another.I got a red sea bream with my first fishing experience, and the top of the squid was very exciting.
「やった! 網、網!」。竿を立てて、降ろしながらリールを巻いて、引き寄せて、ゲット! 竿先に伝わる「びびびび!!」という魚の動きに感動!「おおぉーー、デカいじゃん!」「わー! 逃げちゃう、逃げちゃう!!」。興奮して、竿を前に倒してしまうと魚が自分から離れてしまいます。落ち着いて、竿を立てて……ゲット!「やったー!!」「うわー、重い!」。数kgある真鯛が全力で暴れ、竿がどんどん引っ張られるー!「やったね♪」「ちょっと待ってよー、僕だけまだ釣れていないよ……」といっていたこちらでも、しっかり真鯛をゲット! 1匹釣り上げると、まずは安心するのは不思議なものです(笑)「……実は黙っていたんだけど、まだ釣れていないんだよね」→「あっ!」→「きた、やった!!」。ちょっと待っただけに、喜びも倍増ですね♪If you are fishing on the classic Family fishing place, the quay of the fishing port or the embankment (of course, only places where you can enter), cats in the neighborhood may come together.The sardines in the bucket are all!I often take it with a cat punch.
There is no cat because it is a sea facility on this day, but do you know "Neko -chan Lid"?(Is it a little forced?)
The ear part is a card holder, so you can sandwich the cards and make the accessories in the drink holder invisible from the outside.
It may have a good night's sleep effect because it can block light, such as when you take a nighttime light paint parts and take a nap!
ねこちゃんリッド ホワイトねこちゃんリッド ブラック筆者は蓄光パーツなど釣り道具をしまうためのアイテムだと信じていますが(笑)、アクセサリー類などを隠すこともできて便利ですね小物入れには、もちろんウキと予備の釣り針をUSBチャージャーは必需品ですねEven if you go for a friend and fishing and fish in a similar place in a similar place, there may be a difference between "large fishing" and "bouzu (zero fishing)" in extreme cases.I can't help it because the opponent is a creature, but for the first time, I was really lucky because everyone could catch one or more in the first fishing tournament.
Here, the gimmicks are slightly large, and the food is also a "kneaded bait" to "live bait".Today, I will prepare about 15cm of live horse mackerel and aim for "blue fish".
There are various feeds such as kneaded bait, insects, corn, pupa, etc., but live bait is effective, especially when aiming for yellowtail and amberjack.Eat a small fish swimming as it is.The blue fish are gourmet.
If the blue thing hits, it will rampage around a cup of ikes, so there will be a "festival" that involves other people's devices.Therefore, if the fish hits the gimmicks and is pulled with a great force that is clearly incomparable to red snapper, call out to the surroundings, "A blue thing!"It is manners to pull up.
While explaining such a explanation, replacing everyone's device and food, can you catch a blue fish!?
"It's blue! It's a blue thing !!"
「青でーす!」の声を聞いて、スタッフさんが駆けつけてくれました。海面に、これまでとは色が違う、そして大きな魚影が見えてきます。ここからが大変、大物だけになかなか引き上げられません。「やりとり」と言われる、魚との駆け引きが続きます「よっしゃー!!!」「おめでとー!!!」。みうら海王の飯田社長と記念写真美味しそうなカンパチを2匹釣り上げることができました。このサイズの場合、柵にさばいてラップで巻いて冷蔵庫に入れ、2~3日寝かせた頃がお刺身の食べ頃です。旨みや身の締まり具合を毎日楽しめるのは釣り人の特権♪Everyone who is boiling, seeing a amberjack near 70cm nearby.Replace the live horse mackerel and put it in again!I imagine the horse mackerel swimming with a fluffy fluffy horse mackerel in the sea.
Unlike catching Thailand with kneaded bait, there is not much reaction because the aim of the big game is even less established.Looking at the situation, changing the food, and waiting for it ...
"Kya !!!"
A blue thing hits her who has already caught some red snapper!The power of the fish that was completely different from before was screaming unintentionally."It's a blue thing!
Please see the video for the scene where the stunning amberjack is caught.
カンパチを釣り上げるシーン真鯛とはまったく違う、何倍ものパワーに圧倒されそう!! 海に落ちないよう気を付けて、見事にカンパチを釣り上げましたあ! 青物かも!!! この引きはすごいぞー!!見事な真鯛をゲット。なぜだろう、最初に真鯛を釣り上げたときとは、ちょっと違う気持ちだぞ(笑)Enjoy plenty of fishing from early morning to afternoon, and everyone is very satisfied with the catch!The beginner team's pole head (Saiga Shira = the one who caught the most) was Hanae!
初めての海釣り体験で真鯛3匹、シマアジ1匹、カンパチ1匹、大大大満足!!On the return boat, it was impressive that today's fishing discussions bloomed, and everyone was talking about fishing like a different person from the morning.
The caught fish will be taken home in the cooler box with ice, but you can also buy Styrofoam and ice on site without bringing a cooler box.The slime and blood of the fish are inevitably on the outside, but it is safe because there is a luggage tray.
After the outdoor leisure, you are more tired than you expected, so it is very helpful to load your luggage without worrying about dirt.
それぞれが「釣り談義」を語れるようになっている帰りの船。「ああやればもっと釣れたかな」「あの時こうやったから逃がしちゃったのかな」。すでに気持ちは次の釣行へやったね! こんなに大きな魚を料理するのは初めてだけど楽しみ♪救命胴衣なども釣りのあとは汚れているので、収納にはルーフラックがあると便利魚を入れたクーラーボックスや発泡スチロールなど、車内の汚れが気になるものでもガンガン積めるのは「ラバーマット」と「ラゲッジトレイ」があればこそ。みんないい顔してます!After returning home, take off your luggage and take out the luggage tray and wash it.Water is easy to understand and beautiful with jar jar, brush.The rubber mat under the feet can be removed simply by turning the clip.Let's wash this water and refresh.After going to the sea, I want to wash it well around the wheels and under the car (if you leave it alone, the salt will blow out white).
ラゲッジトレイを取り外して水洗い。ウロコ、汚れ、ぜんぶスッキリ流しましょうラバーマットも水洗い。落としたエサを踏んだりしているので、思ったよりも汚れていますホイールや下回りも水洗いクルマのメンテナンスはもちろんですが、カラダのメンテナンスも大切です。うっかり日焼け止めを塗り忘れて、カリアゲ頭が大変なことに……Of course, all the fish caught are delicious.Unlike fish sold at a fish shop, freshly fished fish is a bit too early to have sashimi (it is better to sleep for a few days), so drop your head and cotton except for what you want to bake.Reduce it to three pieces and put it in the refrigerator in the fence state will last a long time.
Why don't you enjoy a dreafly live while utilizing a very convenient genuine accessories?
耐熱皿に姿を乗せ、お酒と塩と長ネギだけで蒸してみました。いくらでも食べられそう♪頭はグリルで焼いて出汁を取り、お吸い物に柵の状態で保存するのが美味しさキープのコツ。お刺身は食べる分だけ、食べる直前に切るのがよいですよタイの出汁、最高です!……ちょっと、釣りすぎなのでは!?(笑)Moduloエアロバンパーがかっちょいい、フリード+ Modulo仕様