"Sweep on" "ON" is convenient -Mobile Watch Watch
One of the attractions of AQUOS ZETA SH-04F is that you can control various functions with the "grip sensor" on the side of the main unit.For example, display the screen when you have it, reduce the ringtones, deter the rotation of the screen while holding, notify the notification when you hold it, release the terminal from your hand, make the volume loud/smaller.Etc.
However, I don't know if the sensor is exposed, but the grip sensor of the SH-04F is very sensitive, and when it is set to display the clock and lock screen, I just touched it a little.The screen lights up.I don't care, but poor self has a strong feeling that the battery is wasteful, and as soon as I purchased it, I turned off the screen when I had it.Of course, other settings are conveniently used.
Of course, even if the screen does not light up automatically, the backlight will light up if you push the power button.I would like to assert that there is nothing enough to push the power button once, but the SH-04F has a convenient function that can light up with a sensor, so the power button is almost small and there is almost no protrusion, and the volume.The key and the power key are integrated in design, so it is a little difficult to press.I think it's good to prevent erroneous operations, but when I turn on the screen, I always check the location and push the button.When I was blurred, I pressed the volume key, that?Sometimes it will be.
グリップセンサーの設定は「設定」の「便利機能」から。さまざまなコントロールのON/OFF設定のほか、端末にカバーを付けたときの設定も用意。「カバーあり」に設定すると感度がより高くなるとかAQUOS ZETA SH-04Fは本体右サイドに電源キーと音量キーを配置。他の端末に比べてキーが小さく、厚みも薄い。デザイン上で本体との一体感は得られるが、少々押しにくいI was looking for a way to turn on the screen immediately when I needed it without being tossed by the grip sensor, and remembered that "Sweep ON" is good.Sweep on is a function that is installed from the conventional machine, but the sleep is released simply by tracing the screen quickly.However, some terminals seemed to have too good sensitivity, and in the past, the screen was traced and turned on.
Sweep ONの設定は「ディスプレイ」の「モーションによる画面ON/OFF」から。なお、「もっているときON」はグリップセンサーと連動する設定なので、グリップセンサーを「ON」にすることが必要By the way, in the SH-04F, there is an item called "ON" in addition to "ON" and "OFF" in the setting of Sweep on.In conjunction with the grip sensor, Sweep ON is enabled only when you hold it in your hand.
This is a good setting for me.It is easy because it does not light up just by holding it, but it only traces the screen.If you don't touch the grip sensor, you won't react even if you trace it, so this incident of Yuno will probably won't happen.Recommended for those who are in trouble because the screen lights up too much on the AQUOS device.