
-- "World cleaning questionnaire"-- the new facts seen in the questionnaire survey of 11 countries in Europe, the United States and Asia are considered to be the Japanese who like to be clean, but are actually the most Jerry-cleaned?

Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Russia, Brazil, the United States, China, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Russia, Brazil, the United States, China, the largest cleaning equipment manufacturer-German Kelch (Japanese legal person: Kelsia Japan Co., Ltd.), in order to understand the cleaning habits and awareness of countries around the world A total of 11099 men and women aged 18 to 65 living in 11 countries in Japan were selected to carry out the "World cleaning questionnaire".

The questionnaire consists of three questions, highlighting the differences in awareness and timing of cleaning among countries, as well as the use of cleaning tools.

Q1: "how important is it for you to keep your house clean?"

92% of respondents answered "important" or "very important". The highest is 98% in Brazil, followed by 97% in Russia.


Although the world often praises "Japanese = like cleanliness", the awareness of wanting to keep the house clean is surprisingly low.

Q2: "how much time do you spend cleaning in a week?" "

This has also subverted the worldwide understanding of "Japanese = like beauty" so far.


On the other hand, Russia spends the most time cleaning, about five hours, 1.7 times the average. Combined with the problem of Q1, we can also see that Russians have a high awareness of cleaning.

Q3: "what tools do you use when cleaning?" "

ーケルヒャー「世界掃除アンケート調査」ー 欧米アジア11カ国でのアンケート調査でみえた新事実 きれい好きといわれる日本人、実は一番掃除が手抜き?

Simulated cleaning tools such as cleaning tools, brooms and brushes are very popular, with 80% of respondents using them. Kelthia has "floor cleaners" that can wipe the floor electrically, as well as brooms and "great cleaners" that remove dust, but many people like to use traditional classical tools.

The characteristics of cleaning in various countries

The characteristics of other countries can be found on the ad hoc web page.

In this questionnaire survey, Dr. Bridget Bosenkov, one of the founders of the stress Center in Vienna and an authority on stress research, asked for psychological explanations and "the effects of cleaning the brain". Meditation is close to the state of mind. It has the relaxing effect of relieving stress and fatigue.

However, for people who are not good at cleaning, it is difficult to relax and accept the daily challenge under the pressure of cleaning. Even if they are busy and neglect cleaning, they will not blame themselves and focus on what they can do now. I got a suggestion that you can go from being an obligation to something positive.

Do you want to clean and relax? How to improve the dynamic sense of cleaning? Interviews with stress research experts were also published.

Understand the cleaning situation of various countries and introduce all the contents of the survey.

The special web page of "World cleaning questionnaire Survey" has been published on the home page!

More information http://kaer.ch/er/?l=HWIEoJhMuUG_u1gywTNT7A

Survey method: WEB questionnaire

Survey date: 2019

The country and age and sex of the subjects surveyed:

Men and women aged 18-65 from Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Russia, Brazil, the United States, China and Japan

Number of people surveyed: 11099 (more than 1000 from countries)