
Keep it clean by cleaning early! Cleaning method of "IH cooking table" [Basics of cleaning like Yuki Takahashi, President of Housework University] vol.28

How to clean the "IH cooking table"

 早め早めのお掃除できれいをしっかりキープ!「IH調理台」のお掃除方法【家事大学 学長 高橋ゆき的お掃除の基本】vol.28

A safe and secure IH cooking table that allows you to cook without using fire. Recently, the number of households using this IH cooking table instead of the gas table is increasing, but if the pot spills out, the dirt will be burnt immediately, so it is surprisingly difficult to clean. The key to keeping the IH cooking table clean is to clean it as soon as possible to prevent it from burning as much as possible. Therefore, in "kufura", we will refer to the textbook of "Housework University", which is also a housework researcher and vice president of Bears Co., Ltd., and the president of "Housework University". I will introduce you. The theme of the 28th serialization is "How to clean the IH cooking table". Let's take a look at an easy cleaning method to keep the IH cooking table clean and clean by diligently removing oil stains, food debris, and spills that have spattered during cooking.

Don't forget to clean the walls and floor around the IH cooker!

When it comes to cleaning the IH countertop, it's easy to focus on the countertop, but when cooking, oil, food juice, and debris are scattered, so even if you can't see it, the area around the countertop is pretty good. Things that are dirty. These stains can also cause stinks, so when cleaning an IH cooker, you should remember to clean not only the countertop, but also the walls and floor around it. Baking soda water is recommended for cleaning walls and floors. First, add 3 teaspoons of baking soda to 200 ml of water to make baking soda water. Put baking soda water in a spray bottle, spray it on the wall or floor, and wipe it in a certain direction with a rag. To prevent uneven wiping, do not apply baking soda water directly to dirt. Finally, wipe with water and dry to finish the cleaning. The walls and floor will be clean and tidy.

Prepare 4 items before cleaning!

To clean the IH cooker, first prepare the following four items. (1) Food wrap (2) Sponge (3) Cream cleanser (4) Towel

Practice! Easy cleaning method for IH cooking table

Let's start cleaning the IH cooking table right away. The work procedure is as follows. (1) Roll the wrap round and round Cut the food wrap to a length of about 10 cm and roll it up. At this time, the point is to make a few corners. The rolled wrap has polishing power, but the material is not easily scratched, so it is perfect for cleaning the IH cooking table where the surface is easily scratched. (2) Attaching a cream cleanser to a sponge For cleaning the IH cooking table, a cream cleanser that is resistant to oil stains and has polishing power is perfect. First, take an appropriate amount of cleanser on a sponge. (3) Transfer the cream cleanser to the rolled wrap Transfer the cream cleanser from (2) attached to the sponge to the rolled wrap (1). This will allow the cleanser to spread evenly over the wrap rather than putting it directly on the wrap. (4) Polish with a circle in a circle Hold the wrap of (3) with the cream cleanser in your hand and polish the surface of the IH cooking table in a circle. If you use too much force, the surface may be scratched, so be careful not to use too much force. (5) Wipe thoroughly with water Finally, wipe with a tightly squeezed wipe. If the cleanser remains on the surface of the IH cooking table, it will appear white, so be sure to wipe it off with water.