
1K6 tatami mats in Tokyo, there is a robot vacuum cleaner in a house where you live alone? I tried 2 major manufacturers

If you notice, October has already begun.Many people may experience moving due to transfer or changing jobs.Speaking of moving, choosing home appliances.Especially when living alone, you may be wondering how much functionality you want to use home appliances.

I personally care about a robot vacuum cleaner.He wanted one of the lives of living alone, but as a result, he continued to purchase as a result, saying, "There is no need for a small room."

When I confided that thought to the Mynavi News editorial department, I was able to rent a robot vacuum cleaner on the home appliance trial service "Lentio".I rented two units and rented it, so this time I would like to verify the necessity of a robot vacuum cleaner, including the actual machine review.

Rental of two units with different sizes and specifications

This time, we rented Panasonic's "Rulo Mini White MC-RSC10-W" and I robot "Rumba E5".

"Rulo" seems to be able to clean up to the kiwa in the room, and goes to the cart the moment you find it.My room is compact with 6 tatami mats, so I made it a mini size with a small turn.

"Rumba" chose the e -series, which is said to have a good choice (laughs) and is said to be perfect for living alone.

In this way, you can see that "Rulo mini" is smaller than "Rumba".

Now, a robot vacuum cleaner debut!What is that ability?

The first thing I used was Rulo Mini.

The point is that in addition to the "automatic mode" that automatically cleans the entire room, the "Sound Hikeme Mode", which is quietly cleaned, and the "spot mode" that cleans only the parts you care about can be easily switched.In addition, you can make a reservation for the cleaning start time with a single button.

This time, I used it when I was at home, so I used "Sound Hikeme Mode".Although the mechanical sounds that I was worried about were considerably reduced in "automatic mode", it was hard to say quiet.

The good point of "Rulo mini" is that it cleans the gaps.

Furniture was lined up in a small space, so I was worried that the cleaning would be good, but I found the gap and cleaned it smoothly, so I was very reliable.Also, it was a nice point that the side brush on the right did not miss the square garbage, and as the rumor was cleaned up to the corner of the room.

都内1K6畳、一人暮らしの家にロボット掃除機はいる? 大手メーカー2商品試してみた

However, after a while, the sound of "Vo" from the washroom ...

When I headed, "Rulo mini" ran into the bath mat, and the hair was entangled and caused an error.

In fact, "Rulo mini" is not recommended because it is likely to be involved in a side brush, because it is likely to be involved in a side brush.However, I was inadvertently laid the bath mat, and as a result, I was wonderfully caught in the side brush.

And although the entanglement was solved, the side brush was deformed.

In a hurry, "this is dangerous" and examined the lentio's reimbursement conditions, it turned out that the failure or damage due to the negligence of the user could be paid up to 2,000 yen.Rental of home appliances is afraid of failure when used by mistake, but this can be used with confidence.Thanks to Lentio, I picked up my life ...

The next thing I used was Rumba E5.

Installing the smartphone -only application "IROBOT HOME" is the convenience of launching Rumba from the go and proposing a cleaning schedule.

There were no driving mode variations, and the sound during the operation was larger than the "automatic mode" of "Rulo mini".

There is no problem with cleaning power, but because the body is large, it seems that cleaning the narrow gap is not good.

As a result of trying to pass through the gap, I was a little worried when I hit various furniture and the plants on the chair were about to fall.

However, "Rumba E5" has an edge cleaning brush, and I was grateful that he cleaned the corners like "Rulo Mini".

Is there a robot vacuum cleaner for living alone?

I tried to live using a longing robot vacuum cleaner, but in conclusion, I felt that a 1 k6 tatami room was not necessary for a robot vacuum cleaner.The reason is that the work of "clean the floor" is generated to operate the robot vacuum cleaner.

For example, light items such as slippers and cushions must be stored before operation because the robot vacuum cleaner moves.

In addition, rugs such as rugs and bath mats must be cleared before cleaning to prevent involvement.

However, in the case of living alone in a small room, the storage space is limited, so there are many things that have to be placed on the floor, and there are times when furniture is on the lag, so they are cleaned.When it comes to cleaning up, I feel that it takes more time and time than using a vacuum cleaner.

In addition, even in the compact Rulo mini, there were some places where cleaning was difficult, and as a result, after using a robot vacuum cleaner, we had to vacuum.

A robot vacuum cleaner that I felt that it was not recommended for a small room.However, there was almost no leftovers of garbage, and I was very impressed by its high cleaning power.If you live in a room with a large room or a small room, you can keep a beautiful room, so if you are worried, please use it.

When I move to a large room, I will rent a robot vacuum cleaner again.


After working on web media advertising, he writes while doing OLs in Tokyo.She is good at saying her delusions and what she felt in everyday life.