
<I want it! > I think the top 3 rankings of fictitious home appliances that I wanted while raising children [Sister and twin diary 6]

Continuation from the last time. I have three toddlers (the eldest daughter Anne, twins Fu and Rye), but when I take care of them every day, such as eating and taking a bath, it goes by in a blink of an eye. I had a delusion of a fictitious home appliance that I wish I had while raising three children. (Because it is a fictitious home appliance, I hope you can see it with warm eyes.) We will deliver it in a ranking format! First of all, 3rd place ...! ??

No. 3 Robot vacuum cleaner ... I always think "a clean-up robot that creates a space where you can vacuum", but it's not a hassle to vacuum, and you can vacuum the floor in preparation for that. Isn't it a hassle to do! ?? When you have children, the toys start to scatter from the moment you wake up. If the floor is clean, I can vacuum it twice or three times a day ... I think while cleaning it up. No. 2 "Automatic serving machine for home use" Even if you think "Let's eat" after making rice, it's hard to just arrange it from the kitchen to the table. Our children are still small, so we can't ask for spillable or hot items to help. As a result, I serve all by myself, but I dream every day that it would be easier if I could bring the things I made one after another. It seems that there is a serving robot for restaurants, but I wish there was one for home use.


No. 1 "Wall-mounted, fully automatic dryer" I'm hoping that this will be commercialized, but it is especially difficult for three people to dry their hair after taking a bath. Don't let the children catch a cold! After drying my three small heads, I don't have the energy to dry my hair carefully anymore, and I always compromise with half-drying. I think it would be easier if there was a dryer that could be wall-mounted and the height could be adjusted, and if you sat under it, it would dry immediately with warm air.

By the way, the dryer in my house broke and I bought a new one recently because I couldn't stand the overwork of drying 4 people in a row every day. When commercializing it, it would be great if you could be strong in continuous operation ....

Except for my husband's vacation, I have one operation every day from getting up in the morning to taking a bath, so I would be happy if I had such home appliances. And it seems that there will be more fictitious home appliances that we want as our children grow up. What kind of home appliances do you want?

Continue to [Sister and Twin Diary 7]. Stay tuned for next month's release! Sentence, drawing, editing by Sakura Haruno, Uemura

Read [Twin Birth Diary] from the beginning: The mysterious power of babies! ?? One day I wanted a second person.

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