Honey lemon has a surprising effect!Drink before going to bed and expect health and beauty
Honey lemon, which is a standard for the athletic club.The refreshing sweetness and easy -to -eat acidity are popular, and there are many honey lemon -flavored drinks and sweets.I guess many people have spoken once.
Honey lemon is not only delicious, but is also said to be very effective for health and beauty.Here are the surprising effects of honey lemon.
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■ Honey lemon health effect is honey and lemon.Each has a rich image of nutrition.What kind of health effects can be created by combining two?
・ Fatigue recovery
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Honey sugar is mostly called monosaccharides.This is said to be the best sugar for resilience exhausted physical strength, as it does not need to be disassembled in the gastrointestinal tract, it is quickly absorbed into the blood and turns into energy.
Citric acid, which is the source of lemon sourness, is indispensable for recovery from fatigue.One of the causes of fatigue is that the cells taken into the body are oxidized and become so -called rusty.Citric acid has the effect of preventing this cell from rusting.
The insertion of honey lemon, which is commonly seen after club activities and after the game, had the meaning of helping to recover from fatigue.
・ Release constipation
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Glucon acid, which is abundant in honey, has the effect of increasing bifidobacteria.Bifidobacteria is one of the typical good bacteria in the human intestine.As the number of bifidobacteria increases, the intestinal environment can be expected to have the effect of relieving constipation.In addition, it is very important to keep good bacteria in the intestine in order to maintain health.
The citric acid contained in the lemon activates gastrointestinal function and can prevent indigestion.By taking honey and lemon together, you can expect a synergistic effect of relieving constipation.
・ Relaxing effect The refreshing scent of lemon is preferred by many people.The identity of this scent is due to the component called limonene, which is abundant in citrus skins such as lemon.
This scent is said to have a relaxed ingredient, which reduces anxiety and stress by acting on the sympathetic nerve and improving blood flow.It is said to have the effect of excitement.
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When a person feels stressed, serotonin secretes the brain, maintains the balance of the autonomic nervous system and tries to stabilize the spirit.It is said that a lack of serotonin can cause the mental balance.
Honey contains one of the essential amino acids that create serotonin, "Tryptophan".Tryptophan cannot be made in the body, so you need to take it from eating.
A healing effect lemon scent and a tryptophan contained in honey.It would be best if you could relax well with two actions and reduce daily stress.
・ For pain in the throat and stomatitis
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Glucon acid contained in honey is said to have high bactericidal and antibacterial effects.It keeps inflammation such as stomatitis and sore throat, and is also effective as a cough.
There are various causes of colds and stomatitis, but it is said that it is likely to occur when immunity is reduced.Vitamin C, which is abundant in lemon, has the effect of enhancing the immune function.
・ One of the causes of arteriosclerosis to prevent arteriosclerosis is the increase in blood cholesterol and high blood pressure.The choline contained in honey removes bad cholesterol and has the effect of lowering blood pressure, which leads to the prevention of arteriosclerosis.
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In addition, it is said that the potassium contained in honey has the effect of discharging salt (sodium) outside the body, so it prevents hypertension with choline.
On the other hand, Eliositrin, a type of polyphenol contained in lemon, works to control the oxidation of bad cholesterol.In addition, citric acid controls the occurrence of active oxygen itself, which causes oxidation.
Honey and lemon are considered to have the effect of suppressing or removing symptoms that cause arteriosclerosis.
・ Even if you know that the hangover is painful, you may be able to take too much alcohol, even if you know that the hangover is painful.
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Honey lemon is said to have a hangover prevention effect.A hangover occurs because of the amount of alcohol as much as it can decompose in the liver.Therefore, if you take vitamin B2 contained in honey, the effect of enhancing the liver function works.
In addition, the vitamin B1 contained in honey allows the liver alcohol breakdown.Vitamin C, which is abundant in lemon, has the effect of discharging the decomposed alcohol out of the body.
Before drinking or if you get drunk, you can expect and eliminate honey lemon.
・ Prevention dementia of dementia refers to various symptoms that cause the brain's function to decrease.Alzheimer's dementia is the most common dementia.This Alzheimer's type is well known for symptoms that are generally thought of as dementia.
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In preventing dementia, it is effective to control harmful substances that damage the cells of the brain nerves.Flavonoids and propolis contained in honey have high antibacterial effects and are said to have the effect of preventing the increase in harmful substances.In addition, Limonen, a scent component contained in lemon skin, stimulates the brain and activates it, and can be expected to have a relaxing effect.
Dementia is now said to develop many Japanese people.I would like to actively take a little prevention.
■ Speaking of honey lemon beauty effect lemon, many people will imagine vitamin C.It is a honey lemon that seems to have a beauty effect, but what about it?
・ Vitamin C, which is abundant in the beautiful skin effect lemon, has the effect of reducing the production of melanin pigments that cause spots and dullness.High antioxidant effects also prevent aging.
Vitamin C is also indispensable for collagen production.You will often hear the word collagen in advertising in cosmetics.Collagen is one of the important ingredients of the skin tissue, and it seems to have moisturizing and elastic skin.
Vitamin C cannot be created in the body and is lost by exposed to ultraviolet rays.Lemon is a perfect ingredient because you need to be conscious of not being short.
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Honey also contains the same vitamin C as lemon, and nutrients that can be expected to have a beautiful skin effect, such as vitamin B2 and polyphenols.Vitamin B2 has a function that allows lipid metabolism.In addition, in order to play an important role in regenerating skin fluff, hair, nails, etc., a shortage may cause skin and stomatitis.
In addition, zinc has the effect of giving metabolism, so it will faster a new and healthy cycle to a new and healthy skin.
Honey lemon has a wonderful skin effect.I want to be sure to be clean from the body.
・ Vitamin C and vitamin E in anti -aging lemon are both antioxidant effects.
Exposed in ultraviolet rays increases active oxygen in the body, but is said to be able to reduce the increase in lemon high antioxidant effects.Extra active oxygen causes rusting the human body and causes aging.It is important for anti -aging to keep your body from rusting.
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Honey also contains a lot of nutrients that are said to prevent skin oxidation, such as vitamin C, vitamin B, and polyphenols.Take honey lemon and feel the effect of anti -aging!
・ Promotional metabolism promotion metabolism refers to the fact that old cells are involved in new cells.Turnover, which is a rebirth cycle of the skin, is one of the metabolism.
In the case of skin, the ideal is said to be about 28 days.Having a metabolism that comes up with age and keeping it normal will help prevent health and aging.
Lemon citric acid has an antioxidant effect that enhances metabolism.Polyphenols contained in honey also have an oxidative effect, and zinc can be expected to have metabolism.
・ Diet effect
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Lemon contains a lot of water -soluble dietary fiber.This dietary fiber contains a lot of water in the stomach and becomes jelly -like.It is sticky and slowly passes through the intestine while adsorbing waste products and is discharged outside the body.
In other words, it takes time to digest, making it harder to feel hungry.Constipation has also been resolved, and it is indispensable for dieting.
The glucon acid contained in honey increases bifidobacteria in the intestine.If there are many bifidobacteria, good cholesterol, the intestinal environment will be set, and the diet will increase as well as the immunity.I want to use honey lemon well for a healthy diet.
■ How do you make honey lemon?Honey lemon that can be expected to have various effects such as beautiful skin and health.Is there a fixed way to make it?We will introduce the amount and procedure.
・ How to make honey lemon
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材料レモン お好きなだけはちみつ レモンの重さと同じ程度※一般的なレモンの重さは120g前後です。◆ How to make ◆ Lemon is applied to the skin, drop the wax on the skin, and wash it cleanly with water.If it is a domestic wax or pesticide -free, you can just wash it with water.Wipe off the skin and cut the lemon into a thin slice of about 3 to 5mm.Take the seeds.Put the lemon in the boiled and disinfected bottle and pour the honey until the lemon becomes dusty.Close the lid and save it in the refrigerator.For more than a day, apply lemon and honey.There is no problem if you eat it immediately, but be careful as the amount of honey may cause mold.
・ It is best to drink before going to bed
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Humans use energy during sleep.Honey is a quick and energy source, so drinking honey lemon before sleep makes it easier to replenish energy.
Honey is a sugar that does not need to be disassembled in the body, so it does not burden the digestive organs and does not stop sleeping.Honey lemon with a refreshing lemon scent and gentle sweetness seems to have a relaxing effect before sleep.
■ Handmade honey Honey lemon when saving honey lemon.If you pickle it, the honey will be stuck in the lemon, and the sourness will be easier to eat.Here are some tips to make it last longer.
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・ To save the water firmly for a long period of time, it may cause mold if there is water.After washing the lemon, wipe off the water with a clean kitchen paper.Be careful not to moisturize the bottles and lids to be stored.
・ To save honey lemon that boils glass bottles, a heat -resistant glass bottle is recommended.If you save it in a boiled bottle, it will prevent mold and rot, and you can save it for a long time.
◆煮沸消毒の方法◆きれいに洗った瓶と瓶のふたを、鍋にいれます。瓶がかくれるくらいの水をいれ、強火にかけます。沸騰したらそのまま5分ほど煮沸し、火を止めます。トングやはしなどで瓶を鍋から取り出します。ヤケドに注意してくださいね。清潔なふきんか、数枚かさねたキッチンペーパーのうえに、瓶とふたを逆さまにして置き、自然乾燥させます。Even after it is dry, do not touch it with bare hands, such as the mouth of the bottle or inside the lid.
・ Wash your hands and kitchen knives. When making honey lemon, wash the cooking hands and kitchen knives firmly.Honey and lemon have a high bactericidal effect, respectively, and are difficult to stimulate, but they can be stored longer by taking care not to need germs.
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・ If it is closed without a guideline of the storage period, it will be for more than six months in the refrigerator.However, no matter how careful it is, it is possible that germs will come in and mold will occur.It is safe to eat in about a month.
■ Arrangement recipes using honey lemon Honey lemon have many arrangement methods besides eating them as they are.
・ Honey lemon drink Let's divide the honey lemon with whatever you like and enjoy it as a drink.
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Divide by water and use lemonade.Put the ice in the glass, add the honey lemon of your favorite amount, and divide it with water.Let's also float lemon pickled in Honey.It's cool and cute.If you divide it with carbonated water, it will be lemon suck.If you like sour, add raw lemon juice.Before you have a hot water cold, or before resting, divide it with hot water and become a hot lemonade.If you break it with hot water, it will gradually warm your body.It is recommended because it has a sterilization of the throat.In addition, you can relax with the steam and the scent of lemon.
・ The gentle sweetness and sourness are refreshing sherbets that are perfect for summer.
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◆ How to make ◆
はちみつレモンをお好みの量の水で割ります。冷凍用の保存袋にいれて冷凍庫へいれます。完全に凍る前に冷凍庫から取り出し、袋の上からもみこみます。また再び冷凍庫へいれます。3を数回繰り返して完成です。もみこむ回数が多いほど、きめ細かく仕上がります。・ I often use fruit vinegar for honey lemon marinated dressing and marinade on mini tomatoes, but honey lemon is perfect!Please try it.
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材料ミニトマト 1パック(200g)はちみつレモン 大さじ3※分量は目安です。お好きな量でどうぞ。◆ How to make ◆ミニトマトはヘタを取り、ヘタの部分に包丁で薄く切り目を入れます。沸騰したお湯に20秒ほどつけたら、すぐ冷水にとります。切れ目から自然と皮がめくれてくるので、簡単に皮がむけます。皮をむいたら、キッチンペーパーで軽く水気をふきましょう。清潔な保存袋や容器に3のトマトをいれ、はちみつレモンのシロップをかけ冷蔵庫にいれます。ミニトマトがまんべんなくシロップにつかるよう、ときおり上下を返したり、スプーンなどでやさしくまぜましょう。朝に漬けたら夜には食べられます。おいしいトマトはもちろんですが、味がはずれのトマトでも、マリネすることでフルーツトマトのように変わります!普通の大きいトマトをカットしてもつくれます。その場合、中の種はとりのぞいて漬けてくださいね。
Great synergistic effect of honey and lemon
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Honey and lemon have their own beautiful skin and fatigue recovery effects, and two things can be expected to have a synergistic effect.Keep in mind that it has a wide range of effects, such as hangover and dementia prevention!