
Cleaning carpets uses a vacuum cleaner rather than an adhesive roller. A new common sense of cleaning that professionals who have been cleaning hospitals for 35 years talk about.

Is the adhesive roller NG for cleaning carpets? (Ph / photoAC)

 カーペットの掃除は粘着ローラーより掃除機を  病院清掃35年のプロが語る掃除の新常識

If you lay a carpet or rug on a cold winter day, the coldness at your feet will be alleviated. It's such a carpet, but you need to devise something when cleaning it. Based on 35 years of experience in general hospital cleaning work and hygiene management, Mr. Tadao Matsumoto, who has the book "Cleaning techniques that do not get sick found by the latest science taught by professionals who have 35 years of hospital cleaning" (Gentosha). I was taught. [6 photos] Various photos of adhesive rollers and recommended vacuum cleaner type photos.In addition, Mr. Tadao Matsumoto, a "professional with 35 years of hospital cleaning"

Use a vacuum cleaner rather than an adhesive roller to clean the carpet

Mr. Matsumoto says that cleaning carpets and rugs is where vacuum cleaners come into play. "Carpets can only be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Many people clean them with an adhesive roller, but in reality, the adhesive roller can remove dirt on the surface of the carpet, but it sucks up dirt entwined with fibers. What happens? The dust that collects in the back of the carpet's hair can be used as food for the growth of mold and ticks. , There is a risk of lying down or sitting on a carpet full of mold and ticks. ”(Mr. Matsumoto, same below) ◆ Is there dust just by moving on the carpet? Even if mold and mites do not occur, a vacuum cleaner is essential because the accumulated dust will fly up every time a person moves vigorously on the carpet. A vacuum cleaner is also essential when using adhesive rollers. "The most important thing in carpet cleaning is to get rid of the dirt that gets in between the fibers. Cleaning the surface is not enough."

Vacuum cleaner with a rotating brush

So what kind of vacuum cleaner is it and how is it more efficient to clean the carpet? First of all, it is recommended that the vacuum cleaner has a "rotating brush" on the head. It is OK if it is the "forward rotation" used in many vacuum cleaners with rotating brushes currently on the market. If it moves lightly when you move it forward, it is a forward rotation. "You can use a rotating brush to remove dirt that collects in the back of the carpet fibers. The rotating brush pushes through the fibers and sucks up dust and debris."