
Reader post "Pet" episode 12 selections [Reader's Voice Vol.67]

Pets that bring healing every day.But living with them doesn't seem to be a calm day ...!

■ My Mameshiba hates shampoo, and after shampoo, pee in my bed and run away.(38 years old Nico Suita City) [From the editorial department] Eye to your eyes.

■ Shiba Inu Koharu, who is kept at home, is so happy every time I return home, and I'm happy to turn over and turn over.Breakthrough breakthrough ...(Osaka City Y.H 23 years old) [From the editorial department] I wonder if I can't express my joy in a slightly more stylish way.I'm sorry.

■ Our cat is not good at fireworks, and every time I hear it, we will be vibrating, so every year of the Yodogawa fireworks display held in the neighborhood, diapers are installed every year.By the way, lightning is fine.(KKK, Osaka City 30 years old)

When I went home, Pomeranian, who misunderstood that my family's affection was poured only on my son (baby), was so jealous that I saw the gap and kicked my son.(Osaka City J.S -san 33 years old) [From the editorial department] The place that does not chew is the gentleness of the pome.

■ Jack Russeller, a friend, seems to hate Rumba, and when Rumba starts up, he seems to pee on the rumba every time.(Osaka -shi Hanchuuru -san 25 years old) [From the editorial department]

読者投稿「ペット」エピソード12選【Reader's Voice vol.67】

■ Our Chihuahua is a protected dog, and it seems that the owner in the previous owner has never taken a walk, and even though he is already an adult, he is uneasy to take a walk.I am training to get used to it little by little, but I am scared and cling to my feet, so I often fall and fall.I want you to enjoy the fun of walking quickly, and I want to take a walk quickly.(Kinako, Osaka 37 years old) [From the editorial department] Chihuahua -chan, be happy!

■ My Corgi loved the neighbor's aunt, and was called a "torpedo" to assault an aunt as if crawling on the ground with a short limb.(Osaka City Lay's 29 years old) [From the editorial department] Aunt's naming sense!

■ Our Labrador Retriever often sold fights to stray cats and was defeated every time.Every time she was caught in her nose, she took me to a veterinary clinic, but every time she was kind, she was kind, saying, "Oh, I was done again?"It's not ehe!(Amagasaki City YU 30 years old) [From the editorial department] Love's dere face is the strongest!But it's definitely not.Be careful and love!

■ The names of two giant goldfish owned by parents -in -law living in the neighborhood are "bonito" and "wakame".When parents are absent, they say they are the big role of feeding, but their mother -in -law says, "Because bonito is more eating, give the wakame as much as possible."He answered, "Huh," but honestly, there is no distinction between bonito and seaweed.(Toyonaka City YYT 32 years old)

■ A dog that is doted by my mother.Occasionally, our human rice is a rival because her mother has a taste of handmade vegetables and meat for her dog.(Osaka City C.N 27 years old) [From the editorial department] There is a dog lover.

■ The "sub", a large dog kept in the neighborhood, is super scary for children in the town, and if someone shouts "Sub has come!"The mysterious play "Sub -pretend" that everyone escaped on the slide was popular.One day, as usual, someone shouts, "The sub has come!" And everyone escaped on the slide, and the sub really came, shake off the owner's desperate stop and climb the slide lightly., All memories of all the big panic ...Of course, the sub was a dog that was kind to the children and never chewed.(MICA, Tamba City 35 years old) [From the editorial department] I am familiar with "Okamiki!"However, a very gentle dog is relaxing.

■ Pomeranians, who used to keep them in their homes, were so strong, and when they saw dogs that they didn't like during the walk, they were fighting out of a crunchy dog, even if they were very large dogs.Of course, I can't be dealt with at all.Even now, when I see a rough new adult, I still remember my Pome on TV.(Higashi -Osaka City BB 30 years old) [From the editorial department] Where do you remember your important dog?

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