
Try Hue's convenient products that you want to try before failing in smart home appliances

The left is the dimmer switch and the right is the smart button.Both are attracted to the pedestal with a magnet

Philips' smart lighting "Hue" is a product that many people may have bought first after purchasing a smart speaker as a home appliance that can be controlled from a smart speaker. [Photo] When attached to the pedestal, he should have a considerable need to operate with a physical switch instead of operating with voice every time or on the screen of a smartphone or smart display. is. There are two types of accessories that can be used to turn Hue on and off with a physical switch. One is a remote-controlled "Hue dimmer switch" and the other is a round button "Hue smart button". These two products have exactly the same characteristics that they can be installed without wiring work and can be handled remotely, but when actually used, various differences can be seen in addition to the number of buttons and functions. We will deliver a report after purchasing the actual machine and comparing it.


"Hue dimmer switch" that can be held in your hand and used as a remote control

Let's start with the Hue dimmer switch. The main body is a set of a rectangular remote control part that can be held in the hand and a pedestal part for wall mounting, and usually the remote control part is attracted to the pedestal part by magnetic force. The operation can be performed in the sucked state, or the remote control unit can be removed and used. I think there are many people who take it off at bedtime and bring it to the bedside. The main unit has three buttons that allow you to turn the lights on and off, adjust the brightness, and even switch between multiple presets. If you just want to turn it on and off, you just have to press the button at the tip repeatedly. By the way, the models sold before 2021 have almost the same appearance, but the button assignments are slightly different. See the previous review for more details.

"Hue smart button" with just one button

The other "Hue Smart Button" is a simpler product that includes a PET bottle cap-sized button and a pedestal. The mechanism is the same as when it is attached to the wall by magnetically attracting it to the pedestal, but this is basically not supposed to be used by holding it in the hand. Since the magnet on the back of the main body is stronger than the dimmer switch, a unique installation method such as attaching it to the back of a steel rack or an iron door can be considered. In addition to the steel surface, a steel plate for pasting is also attached. The number of buttons is as simple as one, but if you press it repeatedly, it will switch on and off, and if you press and hold it, you can switch presets. In other words, except that there is no function to adjust the brightness, other functions are comparable to the above-mentioned dimmer switch. After understanding the outline, let's see the difference when actually using it.

Next page: Dimmer switch or smart button, which is family friendly? Last updated: ITmedia PC USER