
Sales of power semiconductor modules for inverters for home appliances

Appearance of SLIM DIP-X Source: Mitsubishi Electric


Enables simplification and miniaturization of inverter system design In February 2022, Mitsubishi Electric developed and started selling the power semiconductor module "SLIM DIP-X" with a rated voltage of 600V, which reduces thermal resistance and noise. For applications of inverter systems for home appliances such as home air conditioners, washing machines, and refrigerators. SLIMDIP-X integrates RC-IGBT (Reverse Conducting-IGBT), high withstand voltage IC, and BSD (bootstrap diode) with limiting resistance, which make up a three-phase inverter, in one package. In particular, by adopting an insulating sheet with improved heat dissipation, the thermal resistance between the chip joint and the case has been reduced by about 35% compared to the conventional product (SLIMDIP-L). The rated current is 20A. This simplifies the heat dissipation design of the inverter system. In addition, the RC-IGBT noise reduction technology has made it possible to reduce the number of noise suppression components on the board, making it possible to reduce the size and cost of the inverter system. The external dimensions of the package are 18.8 x 32.8 x 3.6 mm, and compatibility is maintained as the "SLIM DIP" series, including the pin layout. In addition, it has a short-circuit protection function, a control power supply voltage drop protection function, an overheat protection function, and an analog temperature output function. The sample price is 1000 yen.

EE Times Japan

Last updated: EE Times Japan