
In the "right to repair" passed by the American Act, about 60% of the 20-60 generations in Japan look forward to a survey of awareness about the repair of household appliances.

Source of press release: is there something wrong with Technology Mark Japan Co., Ltd? With regard to the correct response method at that time, Tecc Mark Japan Co., Ltd. (head office: chairman of Tokyo Metropolitan Moda District, "Tek Mark Japan"), which thoroughly explained the design and operation of the extended guarantee system by the comprehensive household appliance engineers of Yanchang guarantee Company, targeted 400 people from 20 to 60 generations across the country. We conducted an awareness survey on the repair of household appliances. The following, together with the results of the survey, explains the correct response in case of suspected failure. The term "repair" in this survey, in addition to maintenance, refers to repair in case of failure, failure or breakage. < main topic > the awareness of "repair right" in Japan is less than 10% (8.8%). On the other hand, the future development of Japan's "repair rights" looks forward to about 60% (61.5%) of the results. The reasons for expectation are "because you want to fix it yourself" (39.4%), "think it is an important right" (38.6%), and so on. In addition, the reasons for not expecting it are "I think it's dangerous" (40.3%) and "I think the manufacturer guarantees it well" (31.8%). 90% of the answers were "want to use home appliances purchased once for as long as possible (until the end of life)". In fact, the most common action when home appliances are broken is that about half of the answers to "entrust professionals to discuss and repair" (50.3%) are more than twice that of "repair by yourself" (22.5%). Half of those who answered "abandoned" (25.5%) answered "(feel guilty)" (50.0%). About 60% (59.5%) answered "no experience in repairing / trying home appliances by themselves" when home appliances were broken. The first most suitable reason for not repairing / not repairing is "it is more secure and safe to give it to professionals" (39.5%), followed by "it will be worse" (38.7%). On the other hand, as a "reason to repair / try to repair home appliances", the first most suitable one is "in order to restrain the repair cost" (54.9%). [survey Summary] Survey name: survey on the consciousness of home appliance repair: a total of 400 people from 20'60 generations in China: Internet-based questionnaire survey time: September 9, 2021 to September 10, 2021 when using the survey results, please be sure to indicate the "Japanese Survey of Scientific and technological Mark". The results of this survey show that consumers and end-users have high expectations of the "repair rights" of high interest in Europe and the United States in the future in Japan, as well as the behavior tendency of consumers and end-users when they suspect the failure of household appliances. Tek Mark Japan is aware of its commitment to "environmental protection" by extending the guarantee system enterprise "responsibility for responsibility" (SDGs12) to provide customers and related partner enterprises, as well as consumers and end-user customers with the best planning, design and operation of extended warranty services. We will continue our efforts to provide useful information to ensure that consumers and end users can safely use the product. In Japan, the recognition of "repair right" is less than 10% (8.8%). On the other hand, the future development of Japan's "repair rights" looks forward to about 60% (61.5%) of the results. The reasons for expectation are "because you want to fix it yourself" (39.4%), "think it is an important right" (38.6%), and so on. In addition, the reasons for not expecting it are "I think it's dangerous" (40.3%) and "I think the manufacturer guarantees it well" (31.8%). "repair right" refers to the right of the consumer to repair the product through a store other than himself or the manufacturer who sells the product in the event of a product failure. Centering on Europe and the United States, the United States passed the "right to maintenance" Act on July 21, 2021. By recognizing the "right to repair", consumers are free to have access to the tools, parts, information, etc. needed for repair without the need for the manufacturer, and it is dangerous for consumers to repair products themselves. Objections have been raised that there may be risks in terms of security. At present, the awareness of the "repair right" concerned overseas is 8.8% in Japan, and the result is less than 10% (figure 1). On the other hand, the answer of "very much looking forward" and "slightly looking forward" to the future development of Japan's "repair right" is 61.5%. (figure 2) the top reasons for looking forward to development are "because you want to fix it yourself" (39.4%), "I think this is an important right" (38.6%), and "from an environmental point of view" (35.8%). On the other hand, the top reasons for not looking forward to development are "because they feel dangerous" (40.3%), "I think the manufacturer guarantees well" (31.8%), and "because they have nothing to do with themselves and have no interest" (31.2%). (figure 3) consumers and end users are increasingly interested in their own maintenance. 90% of the answers were "want to use home appliances purchased once for as long as possible (until the end of life)". In fact, the most common action when home appliances are broken is that about half of the answers to "entrust professionals to discuss and repair" (50.3%) are more than twice that of "repair by yourself" (22.5%). Half of those who answered "abandoned" (25.5%) answered "(feel guilty)" (50.0%). 90% of the answers to a purchase of household appliances are as long as possible (full life span). (figure 4) I find that most people feel that they want to use home appliances for as long as possible. As a reason for wanting to use home appliances purchased for as long as possible, 72.5% answered "to reduce costs." In addition, 57.5% answered "to avoid the trouble of replacement" and 43.3% answered "from an ecological point of view". (figure 5) the best behavior when home appliances are broken is that 50.3% of them "consult and repair with professionals", followed by 25.5% of "abandoned" answers. (figure 6) the current situation shows that many people rely on professional support in order to use home appliances purchased for as long as possible. On the other hand, 22.5% of people answered "self-repair". Although the awareness of "repair right" in Japan is less than 10%, there are still a certain number of people who carry out repairs on their own. In addition, half of those who answered "abandoned" felt "guilty" (50.0%) about throwing away their home appliances. (figure 7) Household appliances that may still be usable after repair will be abandoned without repair. people who hesitate and those who do not hesitate disagree. About 60% (59.5%) answered "no experience in repairing / trying home appliances by themselves" when home appliances were broken. The first most suitable reason for not repairing / not repairing is "it is more secure and safe to give it to professionals" (39.5%), followed by "it will be worse" (38.7%). On the other hand, as a "reason to repair / try to repair home appliances", the first most suitable one is "in order to restrain the repair cost" (54.9%). With regard to the question of "self-repair / attempt to repair household appliances", 59.5% of the answers were inexperienced, accounting for the majority. (figure 8) as the "self-repair / non-repair reason", the first place is "it is more secure and safe to give it to professionals" (39.5%), and the second is "it will be worse" (38.7%). (figure 9) in addition, when asking people with "self-repair / attempt repair" experience, the most suitable reason is that the answer to "in order to control the repair cost" is 54.9%. (figure 10) is it malfunctioning? The integrated home appliance engineer explained the correct response that should be taken when thinking. Is it a glitch? When thinking like this, what is the first thing to do? It is most important to stop using it when you notice the problem. Next, please consult the distributor and manufacturer who purchased the goods and follow the instructions of the consultation center. Please be careful not to decompose yourself, etc. May lead to accidents, when the user confirms the decomposition, the maintenance of the manufacturer's service may be cancelled, and future after-sales service may not be accepted. Have a good grasp of the maintenance and daily inspection methods that guided users should carry out in advance, such as the instructions and the manufacturer's home page, and so on. Paying attention to minor failures can also prevent the damage at the fault site from expanding. Is it possible that home appliances are broken? What is the risk of continued use? Suppose you notice a voice that I have never heard before. If you continue to use it without contacting the dealer or manufacturer who bought the goods, soon, whoever hears these sounds will be recognized as an abnormal sound. If you consult the seller and manufacturer who purchased the goods when you notice the sound that you did not hear before, you can eliminate it by replacing only part A, but by continuing to use it, you need not only part A, but also part B, part C, and part D. I think the risk of becoming such a situation is sufficient. Therefore, if you find any problems, please consult the distributor and manufacturer who purchased the product. I want to fix it myself! What is the risk of self-repair? In today's Japan, it is the rule of law for ordinary consumers to repair household appliances. In general, there are many home-made computers assembled by consumers themselves, and the parts of household appliances such as air conditioners and refrigerators, televisions and Blu-ray recorders are difficult to be exchanged after fault diagnosis. In addition, it is a guide to decompose and repair the goods from the instructions and the manufacturer's home page. It may lead to unexpected accidents, when confirming the process of decomposition, the repair implementation of the manufacturer's service will be suspended, and future after-sales service will not be accepted. In addition, consumable parts such as parts and filters needed for maintenance and daily inspection can be replaced in accordance with the operating instructions. After working as a mechanic in the claim team of the business department of Bendo Honghang Technology Mark Japan Co., Ltd., a comprehensive home appliance engineer, he joined Tekmark Japan, an extended guarantee company, in 1999. Has always been engaged in extended warranty maintenance detailed inspection business. The processing products involve household appliances as a whole, residential equipment (water heater, ventilator, warm water wash toilet seat, etc.), personal computer, car and so on. Maintain the qualification of "Comprehensive Household Appliance engineer" that requires a wide range of expertise in a wide variety of household appliances, and lead the team. What is the repair and detailed inspection business? The business of repairing products with extended warranty to determine whether the repair content is correct. In addition to the functions of various target products, extensive knowledge of the causes of failures and repairs is also required. Technology Mark Japan Co., Ltd. Location: Tokyo Motian District Jinsi 1-2-4 Alcaster Capital: 90 million yen Chairman: Jiji Bo shareholders: AIG Japan Holdings Co., Ltd. Main business: various extended guarantee system consultation and operation website: https: / / www.techmark.co.jp/AIG Group is: It is a leader in the world insurance industry, providing a variety of non-life insurance, life insurance, retirement benefits and other financial services in about 80 countries and regions. Provide a wide range of support through AIG Group products and services to protect corporate and individual customer assets, and to provide risk management and reliable recovery security. Holding company AIG,Inc. Listed on the New York Stock Exchange. For more information, please visit www.AIG.com. Corporate press release details go to the top of PR TIMES

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 米国で法案可決の「修理する権利」、日本での発展に全国の20-60代の約6割が期待 家電の修理に関する意識調査