
Fopeful and entry viewpoint of delivery type home appliances repair service -JNEWS-


JNEWS member distribution date 2021/11/28

 In the United States, consumers have been recognized for the "right to repair", and commercial opportunities are also expected to repair services in the home appliance field.For engineers with repair techniques, it is possible to expand local business bases nationwide, in addition to the spread of personal opening.

"MR" developed in 300 or more in the United States.Appliance is a franchise chain specializing in business trip repair for home appliances, mainly repairs refrigerators, microwave ovens, washing machines, etc.The company's fare system is divided into a diagnostic fee ($ 40 to 60 to 60) for visiting the client's home and identifying the failed part of the product, and a fee for completing the repair by arranging replacement parts.。Therefore, you can see a broken refrigerator and make a decision to repair or buy a new one with the estimate of the repair price.

Mr.Appliance franchise is a population 12.It has given individual openers the right of franchisie (merchants) to individual openers in more than 50,000 cities.Before opening, a 10 -day technical training will be conducted, and if the curriculum is completed, it will be allowed to open a business.The cost of opening a business is about $ 78,000 (about 9 million yen), including FC membership, vehicles, repair equipment, and training costs.* Real estate acquisition costs are not included.

■ MR.Appliance ■ Business trip repair introduction video

デリバリー型家電修理サービスの採算と参入視点 -JNEWS-

Mr.Appliance's parent company is a company called "NEIGHBORLY", which is expanding its service bases in cities in the United States and Canada by comprehensively conducting the housing maintenance business, and electricity construction, water repair, glass repair, roof repair, garden.After the acquisition of small and medium -sized businesses such as cleaning services, they form a business model to increase the number of merchants in a franchise system by replacing them with their own brands.In ordinary households, they often want to fix the broken facilities, but they do not know where to ask, so the form that has increased credit as a major company and responds to various repair requests is a good time.


However, the repair of home appliances is calculated in the form of the cost + parts costs + technical fees for visiting a business trip, so there are many estimates that are higher than that of consumers, and it has been commoditized.In home appliances, it is often better to buy a new one than paying a high repair fee.For this reason, it is easier for repairers to develop repair services specializing in products, "I really want to fix this," rather than responding to all home appliances.

For example, the type of refrigerator and dish dryer, which are built in the system kitchen, have a restriction on size and design, so it is difficult to replace it easily even if it breaks, and it is highly necessary to repair it by repair.In US families, large -scale refrigerators of build -in -type are very popular, and prices are more than 50 to 1 million yen, so special repair businesses are established.

(This is a part of the JNEWS member report. You can access the detailed report by registering as a formal member → about articles / JNEWS)

■ Main items of JNEWS Member Report ・ Presence of repair communities to establish the waves of repair laws in the world ・ Presence of repair communities ・ Trends of user repair rights in the automotive industry ・ Mobile vehicle repair service New business format / business trip home appliance repairPretend of service ・ Repair business, specialized in specified household appliances ・ Medical device maintenance industry / medical equipment repair service industrial structure ・ The US tractor industry and agricultural managers, attack and defense of agricultural managers ・ Used tractor market that rises.Characteristics ・ Characteristics of carbon native economy driven by the stock market ・ Rare metal recovery in resource inflation in the decalculated society ・ A car dealer of a car dealer from the entry point and maintenance of Pay-per-use business models that are monetized by billing.Profit structure and entry points

■ Complete report of this article ・ JNEWS Letter 2021.11.28 * Access requires a formal registration ID and password.* Click here to check the password of JNEWS members


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