From Fukuoka, "Pecofree", a school lunch mobile order, sides 61 million yen — — RKB every day from Teno.hd, Sun * and others
Sandbox, which provides emotional analysis services that apply neuroscience, announced on September 15 that it has raised 30 million yen in the Sea Dround.Participated in this round were Japan Startup Support Association, Deep Core, and multiple non -name -discovered individual investors.With the growing need to analyze the designs of product packages, etc. more easily, the company will promote the development of gaze and emotional estimation services with this procurement.
Sandbox was founded in December 2017 by professional gamer Akito Kikuchi (CEO CEO).Developed and provided a sensitivity analysis service "Knowmilla Sato" by EEG, and the estimated gaze AI "Knowmy Map".It can be used for new product development and ready -made product improvement based on emotional analysis results, such as real -time coexistence measurement, fragrance analysis, music analysis, product package verification, his UI / UX verification of the app, and Youtube thumbnail verification.
The company won the SSAP (Sony Startup Acceleration Program) Award in 2020 in the Microsoft for Startups and the Shinagawa Business Club's "10th Business Creation Contest", and sponsored by Asky in 2021, "Japan Innovation Day".THE JSSA ONLINE MEETUP & AWARD VOL sponsored by the Startup Support Association.In 36, he won the highest award, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Award, and the EY New Japan Audit Corporation Award.
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