
It is expected that the lithium-ion battery market will grow at an average annual growth rate of 20.5% by 2027. Astute Analytica press release

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    From the perspective of regional analysis region, the global market of lithium-ion batteries is divided into Europe, Asia-Pacific region, Middle East, Africa, North America and South America. The global market for lithium-ion batteries is expected to reach US $1850403 million in 2027. The market is expected to hit a CAGR record of 20.5 per cent over the forecast period from 2022 to 2027. In addition, there are Panasonic (Japan), Sony (Japan) and other motor manufacturers. (in addition, there are motor manufacturers such as Panasonic, Sony, Samsung SDI (South Korea) and LG Electronics (South Korea) in the region, leading the market for lithium-ion batteries. In addition, growing demand for tablets and smartphones in countries such as India, Japan, Thailand and China is expected to boost industry expansion during the valuation period. Major competitors that analyze lithium-ion batteries in the global market include BYD Lithium Battery Co.Ltd., LG Chem, Panasonic Corporation, Samsung SDI and Hitachi Corporation. Read more: https://www.astuteanalytica.com/industry-report/lithium-ion-battery-market about us: Astute Analytica is a global analysis and consulting firm that has received firm reviews in a short period of time by providing specific results to its clients. We are proud to create unparalleled in-depth and accurate estimates and forecasts for very demanding customers in different industries. We have a customer list that satisfies and duplicates customers in different areas such as technology, healthcare, chemistry, semiconductors, FMCG, etc. These customers will visit us from all over the world. The reason is that we have analyzed the complex business environment, broken down existing and new potential, technology formation, growth forecasts, and even available strategic options. In short, this is a complete package. It is an excellent and priority group of business analysts, economists, consultants and technical experts. If you decide to work with us, it will be cost-effective and have the highest added value


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    3. リチウムイオン電池市場は、2027年までに年平均成長率20.5%で成長する見込み

    リチウムイオン電池市場は、2027年までに年平均成長率20.5%で成長する見込み|Astute Analyticaのプレスリリース