
Even in Corona's evil, Japan's cashlessness summarizes the trends of the progress settlement service.

March 2, 2022 8:00

In Japan, payments for "credit (postpayment)", "debit (immediate payment)", and "prepaid (prepayment)" are expanding year by year.The summary introduces the situation surrounding the cashless business in Japan.

Japan's cashless ratio is 29.7 % "non -face -to -face" and "non -contact" is the keyword

With the expansion of the new Coronavirus (COVID-19), the domestic damage has been severely damaged by eating and drinking and traveling, but the cashless payment ratio is growing steadily.According to the document of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Environmental Development Study Group to further promote the spread of the first cashless payment in 2021", the cashless ratio in 2020 was 29.7%, and the Corona wounds.While the final consumption expenditure has fallen, he is growing.It rose 1.3 % from 2016 to 17 years, 2.8 % from 2017 to 2018, 2.7 % from 2018 to 19 years, and 2.9 % from 2019 to 20 years.

In Japan, the "cashless / consumer return business" and "minor point business" are being conducted, and consumers have increased.The breakdown of the cashless payment ratio in 2020 was 25.8 % for credit, 0.75 % for debit, 2.1 % for electronic money, and 1.1 % for QR code payment.Both are growing from the previous year.In terms of the same number, credit card payments are still the center of cashless, but the growth of each settlement continues, with QR code payments more than 3 times from 0.31 % in 2019.There is.

The keywords of "non -face -to -face" and "non -contact" are listed in the corona evil. According to the annual statistical survey of the 2021 Supermarket White Paper by the National Supermarket Association, the number of payment methods is 90.5 % for credit cards, 69.5 % for electronic money, and 52.9 % for QR code payments. The point card introduction rate was 83.5 %. Cashless is an important means for the purpose of providing convenience to customers. While the introduction of cashless payments is expanding, the burden of payment fees is an issue for small and medium -sized businesses. In particular, the cashless payment service "PayPay" has been charged for "PayPay My Strit Light Plan", which can be used for attracting stores from October 2021, and is 1.6 %, and 1.98 % for non -joining. 。 Many supermarkets say that fees are issues, but can be expected to have the effects of preventing infection prevention, shortening accounting hours, acquiring new customers, and increasing sales.

According to the Japan Food Service Association's 2021 restaurant market trends, the total sales of the restaurant industry as a whole was 15.1 % in 2020, the largest decrease in the survey in 1994.However, in 2021, the situation continued to be 98.6 % from the previous year.Fast food has been supported by the demand for take -out delivery, up 4.8 % from 2020.Cashless payments are often used in take -out and delivery, contributing to the support of the market.

The fusion of the use of touch payment is accelerating and off

非接触技術として、モバイル決済の「Google Pay」や「Apple Pay」に加え、各種QRコード、クレジットカードやデビットカードを端末にかざすだけで支払いが可能な「EMVコンタクトレス(タッチ決済)」機能の導入が目立ってきた。「Apple Pay」は、イオンの「WAON」、セブン&アイ・ホールディングスのグループ傘下であるセブン・カードサービスの「nanaco」が2021年10月から対応を開始している。

In addition, the fusion of online and offline was attracted to the corona evil. In particular, in the food and drink industry that has been greatly damaged by the corona evil, more and more companies have ordered products online with credit cards, etc., and have introduced a mobile order service that can eat and drink without cash. Until a few years ago, there were only a few vendors who provide services, but the number of entry companies has increased and Red Ocean is in a state of Red Ocean. Starbucks Coffee Japan and McDonald's Japan are also developing mobile orders in major food and beverage chains, and the service is gradually expanding. In addition, at retail stores, there are non -contact cash registers that customers can avoid interacting with clerks, and lockers to receive products. At restaurants, services that place orders on a table from customer smartphones and accounting online after eating and drinking.

In addition, at supermarkets, there is also a mechanism to make payments from product registration using smartphones, registers, etc. installed in customers or in the store.This allows customers to get a smooth shopping experience without lining up at the cash register at the time of accounting.It is also possible to use past purchasing information and recommend products that suit each customer.

Pay attention to the use of a general -purpose terminal that spreads out the cosono

The payment method of the pay card is divided into three forms: "credit (postpaid)", "debit (immediate payment)", and "prepaid (prepayment)".

Credit cards are the most common cashless payments in Japan.According to the Japan Credit Association's Credit Statistics, consumers shopping for credit cards issued by domestic card companies in 2020 was 74,45,760,000 yen.Due to the catasis, no significant growth was seen, but it exceeded 73,4311 million yen in 2019.In the industry, sales of travel, izakaya, department stores, etc. were greatly influenced, but in real life, supermarkets and drugstores increased.In addition, credit cards are spreading even in scenes where cashless payments were not available, such as post offices and police fees at the Metropolitan Police Department, which are jurisdiction over the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

In the "cashless / consumer return business", it seems that the introduction of a mobile POS, such as the introduction of mobile POS, has been introduced to small and medium -sized stores that have not been introduced so far.In the future, new technologies that can use general -purpose devices such as smartphones as read terminals will attract attention.For example, in international brands, VISA offers services as "Tap to Phone", MasterCard "Tap On Phone", and JCB is "Tap On Mobile".By utilizing general -purpose terminals, various small and medium -sized businesses, such as cafes, restaurants, kitchen cars, stalls, and morning markets, are expected.Overseas, Apple announced on February 8, 2022, US time, that it will provide the "Tap to Pay" service in the United States in the late 2022, in the United States.

In addition, many card companies are also focusing on promoting the use of "Google Pay" and "Apple Pay", which can be used by smartphones with credit cards.For electronic money, "ID" and "QuicPay/QuicPay +", the technology was adopted by Apple Pay in Japan.

Looking at the trends of non -contact payment services provided by international brands, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, MasterCard, and Visa provide "EMV Contactless (Touch Payment)" that can be paid simply by holding it.The number of cases in which major Ishua is installed in Japan is increasing.The usage scenes are also expanding, such as major supermarkets, convenience stores, and drug stores.

In addition, in terms of promoting daily use, introduction to transportation is likely to be one key.Although it is a balance with investment including existing systems, touch payments and QR code payments are attracting attention as services that promote cashlessness.

House electronic money that cuts less than 1 % of developing brand debit fees

Brand Debit is a system that allows you to use infrastructure operated by international brand cards of Payment Card, such as terminals and credit systems.In recent years, the issuance itself has settled down, but in May 2021, everyone's bank opened a smartphone -only app and started accepting accounts for individual users.The Debit Card provides a JCB debit virtual function, which is free of annual membership fees issued by frictionless at the same time as opening an account.In October 2021, Iyo Bank and Yamagata Bank and Yamagin Card Service published brand debit in January 2022.The market size of the brand debit is still small at 0.8 %, and the recognition is developing.

In the past, brand debit had been an issue for banks before, but there are cases where credit card companies become issuers and share them in collaboration with banks, and cases in which business are entrusted.As a result, issues have been gradually resolved.

コロナ禍でも日本のキャッシュレス化は進行 決済サービスの動向を総まとめ

Electronic money and server -managed prepaid cards are often used for relatively small payments.As mentioned above, "WAON" and "nanaco" support the Apple Pay, improving convenience.

JR East's "Suica" is being used mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area.The total issuance reached 200 million copies on September 16, 2021.In areas such as Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Yamagata, and Gunma prefectures, we have started issuing regional collaboration IC cards, and SUICA services such as local services and boards available in the Suica area, etc.Is available for one card.

The server -managed prepaid card (house electronic money) is a mechanism that manages the value on an online server, accesses the server via the network, and charges the amount.In recent years, not only major companies, but also local supermarkets and specialty stores have been introduced as their own electronic money together with point cards.House electronic money is characterized by a less than 1 % and inexpensive commissions.In addition, since it can be used effectively for its own sales promotion, it can lead to the development of repeaters that repeatedly use stores.For the store, it is also great to be able to expect prior receipt and retired profit.In recent years, in addition to the card type, the movement to acquire mobile members is noticeable by displaying QR/barcode on smartphones.

International brand brand prepaid cards seem to have been a little calm in the last three to four years in the last three to four years, but in some cases they are used for paying for corporate expenses and welfare services.

As a prepaid card, "POSA (Incomm's Point of Sales Activation)", including customer cards, at the same time as POS cash registers and dedicated terminals, grant money on cards, build sales networks for cards, and implement sales promotion measures.The "gift card mall business" is established at convenience stores, drugstores, and consumer electronics retailers."Apple Gift Card", "Google Play Gift Card", "Amazon gift certificate" are famous.

Distribution stores that are becoming super apps are also unique to the distribution store

The QR/Barcode payment service has a variety of operations, such as linked to credit cards, charging in advance, and directly connected to a bank account.The QR/Barcode payment service includes the "CPM (Consumer Presented Mode) method", which reads and pays the user's QR code or barcode with a barcode scanner or tablet camera connected to the POS or a tablet camera, prints the QR code.It is divided into the "MPM (MERCHANT PRESENTED MODE) method" in which a POP is installed at a cash register and the user reads the QR code to make a payment.In the CPM method, reading the code at the cash register has expanded the operation of the service of which business operator.In the MPM method, services can be easily introduced without a small and medium -sized merchant without setting up a payment terminal.

As a QR/barcode payment company, PayPay is leading the expansion of users and merchants.PayPay has been conducting commission fees for small and medium -sized merchants since October 2021, but the impact on cancellation is minor, and the number of stores used in the PayPay My Strit Light Plan is steadily expanding.The mobile carrier NTT DOCOMO's "D -Payment" is "D Point", and "au Pay" of KDDI uses "Ponta".In addition, some companies provide apps provided by QR code settlement companies that have a “super app” equipped with various functions and financial services used in daily life.

Recruit and Mitsubishi UFJ Bank's Recruit MUFG Business offers a settlement brand "Coin+" with a fee of 0.99%, and has been introduced by MUJI.

Including FamilyMart's Famipay, which exceeded 10 million downloads in November 2021, PARCO's "Poke Pal Payment", UNIQLO Pay in UNIQLO, and Mitsui Fudosan's "App DE Payment Function", such as the "App DE Payment Function"be.

GMO Payment Gateway offers a “Bank Pay” foundation system as a service provided by banks.The base system is used by Japan Post Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, and Yokohama Bank.In addition to Mizuho Financial Group, in addition to Mizuho Bank, the smartphone payment service "J-COIN Pay" in cooperation with the local bank deposit account is developed.

The Japan Electronics Payment Promotion Organization has started a full -scale "Bank Pay", which started to be handled in October 2019.Original apps are also supported, such as being adopted as a payment function of "UNIQLO PAY", "ASTARI" and "TOYOTA WALLET".

In the future, Mizuho Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Resona Bank, and Saitama Resona Bank are also focusing on the trends of new payment infrastructure for many frequency small payments.Gather.They plan to handle individual remittances in the first half of FY2022.

Focus on unmanned stores and biometric authentication movements will also be used

Technical development related to payments, such as unmanned payment stores, is also active. A typical example is Amazon's "Amazon Go". In the unmanned payment store, there is a type that uses the app and a pattern that can be used in appless. In the use of the app, we enter the store using QR code/barcode and biological authentication. The app is linked to payment information such as credit cards. After entering the store, you can understand which products have been picked up with multiple cameras and weight sensors installed in the store, and you can leave the store without contacting the clerk. Because the mechanism uses IT technology, there are weak points that cannot be prevented on the system, and overseas there is a stolen damage with an unmanned payment store. In addition, system investment such as cameras and weight sensors is also needed, and it is necessary to devise ways to increase costs. In Japan, most stores that use apps are in the experimental stage, but they are expected to spread in the future.

The unmanned settlement store developed by Touch to Go is available in applications.The company's mechanism uses cameras and weight sensors like the above -mentioned unmanned payment store, but when the user stands in the payment area near the exit, the purchase product and amount are displayed on the display, and credit cards.It is a flow performed by electronic money.

Since 2021, many initiatives utilizing biometric authentication have been carried out. In particular, initiatives that utilize face authentication that can prevent contact are progressing. Tokyo Dome conducted a demonstration experiment in 2021 on entry of face authentication targeting officials and settlement of face authentication for general visitors. From the 2022 season, as an admission method in Tokyo Dome's giant match and a payment method at food and beverage stores in the field, authentication with pre -registered face images will be introduced in some admission lanes and stores. At Dotonbori Shopping Street, a tourist destination in Osaka, a demonstration experiment was conducted on face -authentication payments and AR technology utilization from December 7 to 26, 2021. With the support of Niigata City, Glory conducted a demonstration experiment using the face authentication payment service from January 15, 2022 to February 28, 2022. The first kitchen also conducted a demonstration experiment of face authentication payment service from December 15, 2021 to February 28, 2022. Face authentication payments have been worked on standardization, but they are not yet out of the experiment, and it is also necessary to create maintenance that can be used in various settlement scenes.

As a next -generation technology, the use of NFC tags was a prominent year. In particular, the movement in the traffic field seems to be even more active. JR East conducts demonstration experiments on boarding services using NFC tags at Odaiba Rainbow Bus. In the use of NFC tags, there are movements working on experiments in Kumamoto, Shiga, Tokushima, Fukuoka, Wakayama, etc. NFC tags are characterized by intuitive operations without launching smartphone apps than QR code. Many domestic settlement officials expect to spread services using NFC tags. After guiding to the web, you can build a seamless payment by linking with mobile payment "Google Pay" and "Apple Pay". In the future, if the NFC tag is installed on the electronic tag, not only guidance to the web, but also the "dynamic pricing" that fluctuates the price depending on the members and time of day.

In other movements, the movement of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) cannot be overlooked.The Bank of Japan has set up a liaison council to participate in private businesses in March 2021, and has started demonstration experiments.CBDC has attracted worldwide attention as a form of the third medium to replace banknotes and coins.In the digital currency forum, each subcommittee will perform conceptual verification (POC), verify the effects, and then shift to commercialization.

MaaS (Mobility as a Service) in the moving field is also noteworthy.Demonstration experiments for various MAAS services are being conducted in Japan, but by using a web browser or application to make reservations, issuance, and payments, it will be an effort to smoothly transfer and pay in the region.There is.In addition to the cooperation between mobile services such as local taxis and route buses and existing public transportation, it is possible to smartly become a local area by providing various services such as reservation of tourist facilities and shopping in the region.

In the traffic field, the promotion of "EMV Contactless (Touch Payment)" is a focusing field as described above.In addition, there are cases where QR code payments are used, such as Ueda buses and Hokkaido Takushoku Bus.In addition, Aeon Hokkaido has started the WAON payment service on multi -section fare routes for the first time nationwide in February 2019.

EC services are diversifying with the corona evil that attracts attention to post -payment globally

In the Internet settlement market where payments are growing due to nesting consumption, the number of companies that provide postpayment (BNPL) payments in the field of postpayment in addition to credit cards is increasing.Postpaid is characterized by the fact that the user can pay after receiving the product, and that the business operator will pay for the EC member store to pay for it.There are many women in their 20s and 30s who do not have a credit card, who do not have a credit card.

In Japan, businesses such as AG Mirai Balai, catch ball, GMO Payment Service, Jacks Payment Solutions, Score, Net Protections, Paidy, and Yamatocre Resite Finance are developing services.In addition, the trends of Melpei, PayPay and Base are also focused on.The field has attracted global attention, and PayPal acquired Paidy for 300 billion yen (US $ 2.7 billion) on September 7, 2021, and became a hot topic.

Businesses that develop malls such as Rakuten, Yahoo, Amazon, and Recruit have developed ID payments.Many malls have tens of millions of users, and they can send their members as they are.In addition, carrier payments developed by major carriers are increasing in sales, especially for young people, in addition to digital content.

In the future, in addition to the growth of pre -ordering and payment services at restaurants, it will be worth paying OMO (Online Merges With Offline) and the growth of live commerce using videos.Department stores, shopping centers, and apparel have various initiatives to build customer contact, such as using telephone, video telephone calls, and web conference systems.We also want to pay attention to the trends of "Metaverse" and the non -alternative token "NFT" that utilize the three -dimensional virtual space.

Is the power of T points decreased?Common points to strengthen sales promotion

In the point service, the movement of the major points of the major points, "Ponta", "Rakuten Points", and "D points" are attracting attention.

As a new movement, Z Holdings and SoftBank will change the use and grant of T points to PayPay bonuses in April 2022, and unify the brands of e -commerce and financial business to PayPay.In the career system, NTT DOCOMO uses its own "d point" and KDDI has adopted "Ponta Point" and is used effectively for sales promotion, but T Point Japan is one of the core services at T points affiliated companies.Some say that the decline in power is inevitable.

In addition, Rakuten, which was focusing on enclosing customers using points, has a movement to review the point system.

As the common point operator is expanding the customer base, each common point operator is strengthening sales promotion services to strengthen cooperation with partner companies.