
The "consultation and hospitality" supporting the purchase of household appliances has become the value of coming to the store.

Edion that supports customers' residence and life

At present, the market size of home appliances is 7 trillion yen. However, due to the decline in population and the number of households, the market tends to shrink. And the market size of Idion is about 700 billion yen. Although it is a shrinking home appliance market, the goal of our company is to expand the market.

The challenge for home appliance malls is for young customers. In order to deal with a wide range of merchandise, the target layer has a wide range, but in recent years it has been very difficult for young people to absorb. Therefore, this time we started from the idea that "when we need home appliances, we hope that Edion will emerge and choose Edion" to raise "what kind of activities should be done to achieve this?"

The company's business is mainly home appliances decoration, robot programming education, through their own flight distribution to set up home appliances, construction, long-term repair and warranty, air conditioning washing machines and other household appliances cleaning. We have carried out a wide range of undertakings to support living and living.


The store is centered on Japan in the west and has opened about 400 direct stores. Because of the large number of guests in the area, most of the roadside shops close to the residential area are overwhelmingly characterized.

The advantage is the "consultation and hospitality" of the customer's starting point.

Household appliances are consumer durables that are bought only once every 10 years, as well as various categories such as seasons, climate change, and changes in the stages of life. Compared with general life consumables, the purchase frequency of home appliances is lower, and the price is higher, so for customers, the purchase of home appliances is "do not want to fail shopping", from a large number of products to choose one can be said to be very troublesome shopping.

The staff of our company regard "hospitality" as a troublesome and troublesome service for customers to choose household appliances. This is the unique "consultation and hospitality" of our company. The so-called hospitality is not the means to sell goods, but to listen to customers, understand the situation of customers, and put forward the most suitable products for customers.

In addition, stores try their best not to use promotional products such as manufacturer POP. The manufacturer POP is to make its products look the best, so in the eyes of customers, either is the best. In order to help every customer who comes to the store to find the most suitable product, the store has made its own POP, which can compare the advantages and disadvantages of the product.

Although the prices of home appliances are slightly different, every store sells the same products. Customers have the choice of "which store to buy the same appliances". At that time, we hope that the company's customers as the starting point of the reception of guests and store construction, become the value of the choice of Edion.

I thought of Edeon.

When you need home appliances, thinking about Edian to choose, you need an "opportunity".

There are all kinds of household appliances, and there are all kinds of opportunities. For example, opportunities such as "want a laptop" can be planned by defining the product. However, there are no restrictions on the product. Whether it's home appliances or refurbishment.

Solicit the idea of "choosing Edion" from many home appliance dealers.


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