
I wish I had done it earlier. "renovate to get a comfortable bathroom | LIMIA (Rimia) for living information of LIMIA (Rimia) | full of 100 DIY cases and pin crown medal back of the medal PR spacialist icon professional icon for saving storage.

Bathroom / bathroom renovation points

The bathroom is an important place to cure a day's fatigue, so clean, easy to use, comfortable space is very important. Bathroom, bathroom renovation, according to the equipment and construction content, the cost will vary greatly. If you pursue the ideal too much, the cost will be higher than expected, so first of all, you should know what kind of decoration can be done and create a comfortable space within the budget.

Advantages and disadvantages of different kinds


There are two types of bathrooms and bathrooms: "traditional method" and "unit bathroom". The traditional construction method refers to the construction method of making walls and floors with concrete on the basis of waterproof processing in the room. With the exception of waterproofing, the other rooms and the building itself will not change. The greatest charm is to use your favorite materials and designs to build bathrooms. Make the bathtub into a flat cypress, the bathroom as a whole are painted with glass, etc., in the material, appearance are very fastidious. The disadvantage is that the insulation is not very high. In addition, due to fear of leakage within 10 to 20 years, regular maintenance is required.


The unit bus is a construction method of putting large capsules on the site, which has a short construction period and can reduce the cost. The biggest advantage is waterproof, because the bathroom space, including walls and floors, is a unit. It also has the characteristics of forming a space between the unit and the wall to improve the thermal insulation performance. The disadvantage is that it is made according to the standard, so it does not have the same degree of freedom as the traditional construction method. Therefore, in the bathroom protruding beams and columns and other different shapes of the bathroom, may have to use the traditional construction method.

Selection method of equipment


There are two kinds of bathtubs: "Japanese style", which is as deep as the shoulder when sitting down, and "Western style", which is as wide and shallow as the feet can reach out. If you can't take up too much setting space, Japanese style is recommended. In addition, there are the types of "and eclectic", "round" and "semicircle" between the harmony style and the western style, moderately straightening the body to the depth of the shoulder. The mainstream materials of bathtubs are "fiber reinforced plastic" and "stainless steel" with high insulation and durability, "enamel" and "artificial marble" characterized by soft touch. In addition, Bian Bai and other "wooden" and "ceramic tiles" are also very popular in the fastidious school.

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Let me introduce the main points when choosing a new bathtub in the decoration. The first is to set the size of the bathtub space. In addition, it is also important to choose a bathtub that is easy to enter and come out of. In addition, it is also necessary to confirm that it is a difficult material to slip. In addition to safety, the material is in direct contact with the skin, so please choose a material that you can add and relax. In addition, in the case of a bathroom on the upper floor, water leakage and weight should also be considered in order not to affect the lower floor.


The bathroom is easy to accumulate moisture, easy to get scale and dust, so it is important to choose materials that are not easy to get dirty and easy to maintain. The conditions of unit buses are mostly made of "resin" materials that are water-resistant, high thermal insulation and easy to clean. Others include "ceramic tile", "stainless steel", "wooden" and so on. As the unit bus is limited to meet the specifications, if there are materials that you want to pay attention to, traditional construction methods are recommended.


There are mainly three kinds of doors and doors: "sliding door", "opening door" and "folding door". The materials are "glass", "wood", "resin system" and so on. The cost tends to be higher in the case of glass doors.


The reheating function is the function of circulating the cooled hot water with a heater or boiler to raise the overall temperature, which is also very popular in renovation. You can also provide a variety of other options, but the corresponding cost will be higher. Even if you think "it's convenient if you have it", you should carefully consider whether it is a function actually used before you choose it.

Bathroom / bathroom renovation fee market

Let's take a look at the cost distribution of bathroom decoration cases in the free introduction of quality decoration company's service [decoration navigation].

The average cost of bathroom decoration is 50 ~ 1.5 million yen.

As shown in the above chart, the vast majority of bathroom decoration can be carried out between 50-990000 yen or 100-1.49 million yen. The cost of replacing the most popular unit bus (system bus), the bathroom renovation of the traditional construction method of ceramic tiles, and the standards during the construction period are as follows:

In addition, when high-grade unit buses are set up, and when thermal insulation works and termites are carried out at the same time, when the movement, expansion and addition of bathrooms also require water supply and drainage, gas construction, etc., the cost may become higher. Those who are uneasy about the budget should confirm it with the operator when making a quotation.

The standard of the detailed amount in the quotation for bath water and bathroom decoration

The refurbishment when replacing and installing the unit bus requires the following material costs and work costs.

According to the shape around the bathroom, the degree of deterioration, etc., the cost will also change. The amount of the final cost must be confirmed in the quotation presented by the decoration company.

[by location of failure] repair fee and price quotation of bathroom and bathroom

Also introduce the cost of repairs and replacements for many people who care about it.


In order to improve the symptoms such as "poor drainage flow" and "stench caused by blockage of drains and pipes", it takes about 8,000 to 38,000 yen. Depending on the blockage, the cost will become higher when high-pressure cleaning is needed.


In order to solve the leakage problems such as "leakage of faucet, shower hose" and "faucet can not stop", according to the scale of the repair site, the cost is about 30,000 to 30,000 yen. Rubber packaging deterioration, connections and other loose reasons are many, in most cases only need simple work, but due to the increase in business travel expenses, the total may exceed 10,000 yen.


The cost of replacing faucets and faucets is about 7,000 to 35,000 yen (the central price is 10,000 to 15,000 yen). Because travel is also required here, even simple jobs often cost more than 10,000 yen, and the price will be higher depending on the level of the newly adopted machine.

A case study of bathroom / bathroom renovation

Finally, I will introduce a case of renovation for reference.

Skin Tsurutsuru! Nursing is also la Clark! Bathroom renovation (decoration)

Type of residence: construction days of single-family building: 4 days decoration location: bathroom, bathroom decoration cost estimate: about 1.7 million yen family composition: family

Type of residence: construction days of single-family building: 3 days decoration location: bathroom, bathroom decoration cost estimate: about 1 million yen family composition: family

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