
I understand in detail!I can understand even a minute!Explain the view of "withholding slip" with illustrations

 It seems that many people had trouble filling out "income" and "income" in the year -end adjustment two years ago (2020, 2021).The annual income and income of the year will not be determined until the salary in December will be determined, but as one guide may have referred to the withholding slip that fills the previous year's annual income and income.

詳しく分かる! 1分でも分かる!「源泉徴収票」の見方を図解で説明【令和3年(2021年)分】  - INTERNET Watch

 Every year, the "withholding slip" received with the salary statements in December or January describes the annual income, income, and tax payments.If you look at the withholding slip you received this time, you can see the annual income, income, and tax payments for your 3rd year (2021), but even if you look at the withholding slip, "annual income", "income", "income".Is not written.

 A variety of information, such as the composition of dependent relatives and the status of life insurance, is a withholding slip that is compactly organized on one piece of paper, but if you do not have the knowledge of the view or the tax you have, the numbers are written there.I can't understand the meaning.In this article, I would like to explain how to look at the withholding slip to those who have never seen it before.

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  1. 源泉徴収票とは
  2. 1分で分かる源泉徴収票
  3. 源泉徴収票と所得税の計算式を3つのパートに分けて色分けしてみた
  4. 「収入」と「所得」ってどう違うの?「給与所得控除」って何??
  5. 謎だらけの「所得控除」欄を解読する
  6. 「配偶者控除」は年末調整の判定が反映されている
  7. 「控除対象扶養親族」の人数から「控除額」を算出する
  8. 「生命保険料控除」も年末調整の申告内容が反映されている
  9. 控除額の合計が合わない……“源泉徴収票に隠された控除”とは
  10. 課税所得に税率を掛けると「納税額」を算出できる