
Home storage batteries are no longer essential!?

About 60 times in 9 years!The needs of the disaster due to a disaster are increasing

A storage battery that can be used when you need electricity.The number of storage batteries, which was about 2,000 units in fiscal 2011, was about 12 in 2020..It increased to 70,000 units (Nippon Electric Industry Association "JEMA Stories System Independent Statistics 2020 Shipments").This number includes home use, commercial and industrial use, but about 90 % are less than 10 kWh, so many are considered home use.Nevertheless, the introduction ratio of storage batteries, which account for the number of new housing starts in FY2019, is still about 9 % (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Studied Storage System Dissemination Expansion Expansion Study Group 4th").Still, storage batteries seem to be indispensable for our lives in the future.

Changes in shipments of the "Lithium -ion -reserved system for home, commercial, and industrial installation" (Source: Nippon Denki Kogyo Association * As of November 4, 2021)

According to Junhiro Goda, a Guda, who sells home storage batteries from a wide range of manufacturers, "more and more inquiries have increased after large power outages in Chiba Prefecture due to typhoon No. 15 in 2019."The news has increased in the news that air conditioners can no longer be used during the severe heat of about a week.

Shortly before, the so -called "graduation FIT demand" has attracted attention.Graduation FIT refers to the expiration of the purchase period of a system (FIT system), which allows the government to purchase surplus power of renewable energy such as solar power generation at a fixed price for a certain period of time.The purchase period of solar power generation is 10 years, and since this system began in November 2009, it was "if the unit that sells will fall to about one -sixth, just before 2019, when the first expiration occurs.Let's use it. "

The advantage of home storage batteries is that you can use electricity in the house in the event of a power outage due to disasters, that is, you can live normally for a while even if a power outage is.In addition, if there is a solar power generation system and a storage battery, it is not only convenient in the event of a power outage, but also reduces power saving = utility costs by using electric power obtained by solar power during the weather in a good weather in the daytime or in midnight or rainy days.。Furthermore, it is possible to save electricity bills by putting late -night electricity, which is low in electricity, in storage batteries, and using it during the day when the price is high.Especially in recent years, the price of crude oil prices is soaring, and the electricity rates are high, so the merit of storage batteries is great.

(Image provision / Guda Co., Ltd.)

The benefits are as follows.■ The effect can be improved in combination with solar power generation (it can accumulate excess electricity or sell it) ■ Significant reduction in electricity bills that are concerned about soaring can be significantly reduced.You can use the product)

"The storage battery has a total load type that allows you to use electrical products in the house at once, and a specific load type that can only be used in specific places such as a living room, but recently it is a large -capacity type of around 10 kWh of all load types.And Goda -san.In the past, there were many consumers who wanted to set up a storage battery and solar power generation system as a set, including the graduation FIT group, but recently it has increased from construction shops that are working on new construction.Say.

"In 2020, Prime Minister Kan declares that it will realize a carbon caloral society by 2050, and it seems that consumers and other consumers have increased," said Oda.Although major house makers are standardizing solar power and storage batteries, small and medium -sized contractors are still far away.Nevertheless, the world's interest in storage batteries seems to be increasing, as it is now preparing for options.

Construction examples of the installation of solar power system in Gouda (photo provision / Gouda Co., Ltd.)

The owner is in preparation for a power outage, and Sharp's solar panel 3.39kw and 6.Simultaneous installation of 5kWh storage batteries (photo provision / Guda Co., Ltd.)

In addition, "Solar Power System + Storage Battery will be an essential item for each home" is Masayuki Kojima of Prime Life Technologies.The company is a company established by Panasonic and Toyota, which make full use of technology and aim to develop a future -oriented “town development business”.

"The country is promoting the spread of EVs (electric vehicles such as electric vehicles and hybrid cars) for the achievement of carbon neutral in 2050 and in the future, but if EVs overflow in the city,Naturally, the demand for electricity will increase more than now. There is an estimate that if you charge EVs in houses, you will have to increase power consumption by 20 to 40 %. However, if you burn coal and oil to increase power, you will fall down.It is a desirable scenario to run EVs with possible energy. "

(Photo / PIXTA)

It is unrealistic that you can charge the electricity generated by sunlight and charge it at your home and charge it, but it is unrealistic that solar power will not ride the EV during the day.There will be no choice but to collect electricity on the storage battery and later charge the EV.

In the first place, renewable energy such as solar power is indispensable in a recurring society, but nature does not generate or stop as human expected.In other words, the spread of renewable energy is indispensable for storage to make it free to use it.

Japan is surprisingly popular in Japan compared to overseas.

On the other hand, Japan is surprisingly popular in Japan compared to overseas.In fact, the cumulative amount of introduction is higher than Germany, which has the image of environmental measures, and China, which has many storage battery factories.

家庭用蓄電池はもはや必須!? 防災や節電でニーズ増、選び方は?

Created with SUUMO from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Relined Storage System Dissemination Expansion Expansion Expanding Study Group 4th" Materials

In addition, the amount of renewable energy (solar power generation system + wind power generation) is only about 56 % of Germany, but if you look different, if the introduction of renewable energy increases in the future, the home storage battery that will be the saucer.It can be said that there is a big margin.

The spread of such home storage batteries is also useful for the construction of a new social infrastructure besides the merits mentioned earlier.One example is the community ZEH.This is to manage solar power, storage batteries, electric vehicles, and housing equipment in a specific area to provide stable power supply in the area in the event of a disaster.Such town development has already begun.

MIYOSHI MIRAITO in Miyoshi City, Aichi Prefecture, designed by the Prime Life Technologies Group, is an example of the community ZEHV.Adopted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Resilience Enhancement Business by Community ZEH" (Photo provision / Prime Life Technology)

The community ZEH allows you to combine large -capacity electricity, such as storage batteries, EV x units, in the area, so even if the supply of electricity from the outside is refused (even if it is a power outage), each dwelling unit in the area has a longer electricity.It is easier to self -sufficiency.In addition, it helps to foster a local community where residents help each other against frequent natural disasters.

How to choose a home storage battery and what are the precautions when choosing?

So how do you choose a home storage battery?I was taught by Mr. Goda.

(Photo / Guda Co., Ltd.)

"First of all, which is the total load type or specific load type mentioned earlier."Assuming a power outage caused by a disaster, a total load type that can cover home appliances in the house can be used in one room alone, and it will be a specific load type.

Next, "Is it compatible with 200V?"If the mouth of the outlet, such as a TV or a dryer, is 100V for only two houses.However, some air conditioners, IH cooking heaters, and EcoCute are often 200V specifications.If you want to use a 200V home appliance, you should still choose a storage battery that supports 200V.

The capacity that can be brought up is also important.The higher the capacity, the more electricity you can use.Assuming a power outage, "13 a day on average for a family (assuming a family of four)..About 1kw.For example, if the capacity is 13kWh, you can use electricity as usual for one day. "After that, it is good to consider how much capacity to be used according to the budget.

"What to remember is" output ". If the capacity is a large bucket, the output is the faucet on it. If the faucet is small, the electricity that can be removed will be reduced at once."No matter how much it supports 200V, if the output is small, the air conditioner and IH cooking heater cannot be used at the same time.This depends on the budget, but I want to think about how much output (the catalog is 3KVA (kilovolt amp) etc.).

In summary, the points when choosing are as follows.・ A total load type or specific load type ・ It corresponds to 200V ・ How much capacity should be used ・ How much output

I would like to choose a home storage battery while paying attention to the above points according to the application and budget.The warranty period of the product is standard for 10 years, and some manufacturers have a 5 -year extension warranty for the current type of lithium -ion battery.

One set of solar power generation + storage batteries for car calibration may be required for each dwelling unit.

So what is the current home storage battery price?Of course, depending on the manufacturer and capacity, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's materials published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Refrincial Storage System Promotion Extensions Expanding Studies 4th".It is 100,000 yen (excluding construction costs).

From the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Relined Storage System Dissemination Extensions Expansion Expansion Study Group 4th" Document.Including distribution costs, but the price excluding construction costs

This is 22 from 2015.It is about 36 % cheaper than 10,000 yen.The price seems to be declining due to the spread of home storage batteries and EVs.The country is trying to lower the price further."It seems to be aiming for less than 70,000 yen / kwh as of 2030 at the price including construction costs," said Kojima, a technologies.

"The number of 70,000 yen is a price that assumes that a self -consumed house with a home storage battery is more economically advantageous, and simply speaking."It looks like a fairly strategic price of about half of 2019, but Mr. Kojima says, "It's not impossible."

"The solar power generation system was more than 2 million yen for 4 kW until just 10 years ago, but now it is about 1 million yen," says Kojima.Certainly, the price of a solar power generation system per 1 kW is 46 in 2012..50,000 yen / kW was 29 in 2020.It has fallen to 60,000 yen (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Opinions on Procurination Price Agency after FY2013").If it is 4kw, 118.It's 40,000 yen.

On the other hand, according to Mr. Goda, the growing demand has said that the price of materials, such as rare metals used for lithium -ion batteries, has increased, and the price has recently increased because it is reflected in the selling price. "

Although there are such concerns, it is always technical innovation, such as the development of lithium -ion batteries that do not use rare metal for the rapid spread of EVs, and the development of whole solid batteries that are hard to deteriorate even in the same size as before.Will enrich our lives.

It may be too optimistic, but the government is stepping on the accelerator to electrify all cars sold in the 2030s (including hybrids) toward the 2050s in 2050s.fact.In Tokyo, we have heard stories about mandatory solar power systems.

In any case, carbonization will continue to progress to prevent global warming.Among them, it can be said that one set of solar power + storage batteries is required.First of all, what kind of home storage batteries should be used when a power outage occurs at home today, and how much is it?Or if you have a solar power generation system, why not start by considering it?

●取材協力プライム ライフ テクノロジーズゴウダ●関連資料一般社団法人日本電機工業会「JEMA 蓄電システム自主統計 2020 年度出荷実績」経済産業省「定置用蓄電システム普及拡大検討会 第4回」