
Bic Camera and manufacturer dispatch from manufacturer to switch to our employees

Bic Camera Yurakucho store

ビックカメラ、メーカーからの派遣を取りやめ 自社の従業員とスイッチへ

 The Bic Camera has announced that it will stop accepting sales staff dispatched from home appliance manufacturers within five years. The company around the age of 30, who are in managers, is switched to sales clerks and switched step by step. By increasing the ability to propose to customers who visit real stores in the Corona evil, and fostering sales staff who are familiar with a wide range of product knowledge beyond the barriers of the floor, the company's "as a purchaser for customers, as a customer purchaser. Aiming to realize a supporting company useful for living. ● Policy that the salary is equivalent to managers. Bic Camera has begun planning at the end of 2021 to stop accepting sales staff dispatched from home appliance manufacturers. He has already switched to the officials of the store manager and the person in charge of the floor into a sales clerk leader through training. According to the company, about 30 % of all sales staff dispatched from manufacturers. In the future, we will adjust while gaining understanding and proceed with switching. "Because the corona evil has reduced the opportunity to drop in at stores in front of the station, the importance of proposals is increasing. We have grown on what kind of life the visitors want to live in, and make proposals beyond the corner. In order to do so, we thought that it was appropriate for our employees to guide them. " In the spring of 2022, the company plans to create a mechanism to equivalent to managers according to the achievements, even if they do not get a manager in terms of salary. By August, a training system will be provided for employees who are switching to sales staff to provide education such as product knowledge and customer service. There is also a differentiation from EC. According to the financial results for the fiscal year ending August 2021, the EC sales of the BicCamera Group as a whole are 156.4 billion yen (108 year -on -year)..9 %, EC rate 18.8 %), and the use of EC is increasing due to corona evil.There is also an aim to improve the added value of real stores and encourage visiting the store by improving the proposals by difficulty in customer service online.(BCN / Ryohei Minamumo)
