
[How to dispose of mobile batteries "better"] Machine Guns Takizawa, an entertainer and active garbage cleaner, explains!Ranking new articles

What is the better way to dispose of a mobile battery?Ask Machine Guns Takizawa

"Garbage" that comes out every day. When it comes time to throw it away, do you ever wonder, "What is the reason?" And "How should I throw it away?"

In this article, we ask Mr. Shuichi Takizawa of Machine Guns, an entertainer and an active garbage cleaner, to explain how to dispose of household waste, which makes you wonder "how do you dispose of it?"!

There are three main points to know the "better way to dispose of household waste"

  1. According to the sorting rules of the municipality where you live, "The disposal method differs depending on the municipality. If you dispose of it incorrectly, it may cause an accident or waste taxes, so be sure to check it."
  2. What can be recycled is "If you put it out as garbage, it costs money just to dispose of it. However, if you put it out as a resource, it will turn into a valuable one. It is decided by your feelings whether it will be garbage or a resource. I'll do it. "
  3. A gentle disposal method for the cleaning staff who collects "The garbage is not the end, but someone always collects it. I hope everyone will cooperate in a better disposal method!"

From the next collection day, you too will throw away the garbage in a "better way to throw it away".

Machine Guns Shuichi Takizawa

Born in Tokyo in 1976. He belongs to Ota Production. In 1998, when he was a student at Tokyo Seitoku University, he formed a comedy duo "Machine Guns" with Ryo Nishibori. In 2012, when his wife became pregnant, he started working at a garbage collection company while he was selected as a certified manzai master by "THE MANZAI". Based on his experience of collecting garbage, he publishes it on SNS, writing, lectures, etc. Twitter

Click here for the previous article!

caution when handling! Explain how to throw away the "mobile battery"!

A mobile battery that many people will always have, such as "the smartphone will run out of charge soon" and "for disaster prevention". It's a convenient item that allows you to charge your smartphone even in places where there is no outlet, but Mr. Takizawa says it is "one of the garbage that you should pay attention to when disposing of it."

Be careful when throwing it away because it contains lithium-ion batteries used in various products, including mobile batteries. Let's understand the precautions correctly and master a better way to throw away!

Click here for tips on how to dispose of your mobile battery.

"What's the most annoying trash in this modern age is this mobile battery. No, all products that use lithium-ion batteries rather than mobile batteries. This makes cleaners cry."

While teaching us how to dispose of mobile batteries better, let's check the precautions when disposing of products that use lithium-ion batteries!

Be careful about how to dispose of products that use lithium-ion batteries such as mobile batteries!

There are many products that use lithium-ion batteries, and one of the representative products is the mobile battery. Some mobile batteries use dry batteries, but most use lithium-ion batteries.

Since lithium-ion "batteries" are used, many people may have somehow thrown them away as "non-burnable garbage" when throwing away mobile batteries.

"Don't carelessly throw away this type of non-burnable garbage, check once to see if it uses a lithium-ion battery, and then look at the garbage pamphlet, etc. Only local governments have a collection system. Many local governments are saying that they should not put in non-burnable garbage . "

For example, the site in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo emphasizes that rechargeable batteries such as lithium-ion batteries cannot be collected and should not be put in the recycling box. Please check the information provided by each local government.

"Most local governments have a little troublesome disposal method, such as collecting bases (*) in a collection (recycling) box at a ward office or city office, handing them over at a cleaning office, or taking them to a large-scale mass retailer. However, it seems that there are some areas where you can collect only lithium-ion batteries, write "lithium-ion" and put them in the collection point, but please check in advance.) "

【モバイルバッテリーの“より良い”捨て方】芸人で現役ごみ清掃員のマシンガンズ滝沢さんが解説! ランキング 新着記事

* Some local governments, such as Setagaya Ward, do not collect in collection boxes.Please check in advance whether it is supported, including bringing it to the cleaning office.

Let's find a recycling box

When throwing away a mobile battery that uses a lithium-ion battery, you first need to look for a recycling box. There are various types of "recycling boxes" depending on the organization that provides them. What should I do if the municipality does not support it?

One method is to check from "Search for" Recycle Box Cans "Cooperating Stores / Cooperating Local Governments" by JBRC, a general corporation that works on recycling lithium-ion batteries. There are 20,000 collection points registered nationwide. Even if your local government does not support collection, personal electronics stores may be registered as cooperating stores, so try searching from the area where you live.

However, this "recycled BOX can" does not collect lithium-ion batteries from companies that are not members of JBRC (such as those made in foreign countries) and products that cannot be taken out. Please note that it is necessary to confirm these disposal methods with the manufacturer / distributor of the product or the municipality.

Also, when you bring it in , never throw it in a recycling box or leave it silently at a cash register. Please deposit according to the notice posted and the guidance of the shop / facility.

* It is dangerous to take out the lithium-ion battery and disassemble it by a method not recommended by the product.If you are not sure if you can take it out, check with the manufacturer / distributor, and follow the correct usage when throwing it away.

Reference: "Search for cooperating stores and cooperating local governments" (JBRC) https://www.jbrc.com/general/recycle_kensaku/

Products that use lithium-ion batteries are everywhere in our daily lives.

"For example, there is no limit, but you can think that lithium-ion batteries are mostly used for the type that charges with USB etc."

The following is just the one that Mr. Takizawa gave as an example.

Looking around the house, it's used in a surprising number of products. Some of them can take out lithium-ion batteries (battery packs) and some cannot, but it is very dangerous to take them out without being aware of them. Please refer to this article when disposing of products that use lithium-ion batteries, not just mobile batteries.

Why should I be careful about how to dispose of lithium-ion batteries such as mobile batteries?

"The reason why mobile batteries and lithium-ion batteries are so troublesome is that they are one of the most dangerous household wastes."

Among batteries, those that can be used repeatedly, such as lithium-ion batteries, are classified as "secondary batteries". (On the other hand, single-use batteries such as dry batteries are primary batteries.) Lithium-ion batteries have been used in various products as electrical products become smaller and lighter. Considering that a small battery has a large power to charge a smartphone many times, you can see that it needs to be handled with care.

Please check the website of the Battery Industry Association for precautions on handling lithium-ion batteries, but what you should be especially careful about is that they are "vulnerable to pressure". This is a point you should know not only when throwing it away as garbage, but also when using it on a daily basis.

"There are a lot of cleaning car fires caused by this during the year-end and New Year holidays and the moving season. Even if there is no fire at that moment, it may suddenly start 30 minutes after the impact, so I can not be alert. In addition to cleaning car fires, there are many cases of fire accidents during processing at recycling centers that process after collection. "

When collecting garbage, the collected garbage is stored in layers and the bag is crushed with the rotating plate of the cleaning car, so there are many cases where the battery under pressure ignites and becomes a fire. That is. Therefore, as in the case of Setagaya Ward, there are few local governments that handle collection compared to other waste.

"It's okay if it's non-burnable garbage, isn't it?" That "truth" puts many people at risk, so I'd be grateful if you could be careful. "

Reference: Safe and correct usage of lithium-ion secondary batteries (Battery Industry Association) https://www.baj.or.jp/battery/safety/safety16.html

Lithium-ion batteries should be recycled!

Products that use lithium-ion batteries, such as mobile batteries, can be safely handled and recycled by collecting them in a proper procedure. In order to utilize lithium-ion batteries, which are made of rare metals, as resources, let's practice the better disposal method introduced in this article.

The Battery Industry Association, which promotes the safe use and recycling of batteries, recommends that you check the following when purchasing products that use lithium-ion batteries so that you do not have to worry when disposing of them. Please check the display of the products you have and the products you will purchase.

The important thing is to know exactly what the garbage you are about to throw away is.

"I have also pulled out the mobile battery from combustible waste several times. I can understand a little about it. Because the surface of the mobile battery was made of plastic, I thought" plastic would be combustible "and throw it away. I think it was. "

Garbage may feel like you're not responsible for it from the moment you take it off , but it's definitely your garbage. Just throwing it away "somehow" can injure someone or lead to a major accident.

As I have repeatedly told you in this series, let's imagine the place where the garbage was collected, with the feeling of handing it to someone when throwing away the garbage.

"It is important to look at the material as a point when disposing of garbage, but it would be very helpful as a cleaner if you could reconfirm that this product is" something "and find out how to dispose of it. In "Region name garbage 〇〇", in this case, if you put something you want to throw away such as a mobile battery in this 〇〇 and search for it, it will always come out, so it may be a hassle, but I would be grateful if you could check it. "

As explained in the previous article on how to dispose of spray cans and how to dispose of kitchen knives, there are various precautions for other household waste.

"Spray cans, sharp-edged knives, ice picks, and lithium-ion batteries like this mobile battery are the most dangerous waste around here, so I hope you can remember this alone. We are a non-combustible relay station. So, I open the non-combustible waste collected from the collection point one by one by hand. The reason for opening the collected non-combustible waste is that if a mobile battery or a spray can is mixed, a cleaning car fire will occur. To prevent it. We treat it as such a dangerous substance, so we would appreciate it if you could read this and know how dangerous it is and cooperate with us. "

Regarding the handling of batteries, various information is posted on the site of the specialized organization cited this time. I think some people say, "I was taught when I was in elementary school," but there are many things that have changed with the times, so please check it out.

Thank you, Mr. Takizawa! Next time we look forward to.

Machine Guns Shuichi Takizawa

Born in Tokyo in 1976. He belongs to Ota Production. In 1998, while attending Tokyo Seitoku University, he formed a comedy duo "Machine Guns" with Ryo Nishibori. In 2012, when his wife became pregnant, he started working at a garbage collection company while he was selected as a certified manzai master by "THE MANZAI". Based on his experience of collecting garbage, he publishes it on SNS, writing, lectures, etc. In 2018, after publishing his essay "This garbage cannot be collected" (Byakuya Shobo), he published the manga "Daily life of garbage cleaners" (Kodansha) and "Garbage education" (Ohta Publishing). In October 2020, he became the Ministry of the Environment's "Sustainability Public Relations Ambassador". In December of the same year, he received the Chairman's Award of the Consumer Affairs Agency's "Food Loss Reduction Promotion Award". Twitter

Editing / Composition: CHINTAI Editorial Department Site Quotation Cooperation: JBRC, General Incorporated Association Battery Industry Association

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