
6 excellent cooking home appliances to feel the world's food culture

If you want to pursue food at a hobby level, it's interesting to look at the models of a slightly unusual overseas manufacturer!

The genre of cooking appliances has a manufacturer around the world, and a variety of products are made. If you value convenience and reliability, you can rest assured that domestic manufacturers are safe, but if you want to pursue cooking at the hobby level, it is interesting to look at the models of a slightly unusual overseas manufacturer. Among the many cooking appliances, Yasunari Arai, a cooking tool consultant, chose a model that could see the world's food culture. [See all photos, such as detailed details] "The cooking appliances selected this time are products that have influenced Japanese lifestyles and designs that are not so many domestic manufacturers. Each application and functions are, It reflects the food culture of each country. If you actually use it, you will be able to think about the style of food and lifestyle as well as convenience and performance. " There are also good and professional products. If you master the full -fledged cooking function, you will naturally improve your cooking skills. The fun of standing in the kitchen will increase. [The person who taught] Cooking tool consultant Yasunari Arai, who worked at a confectionery store, etc. After that, he was independently active as a cooking tool consultant. He also writes and lecturers at vocational schools. He has authored "Cooking tools in the world you want to use forever" (Industrial Editing Center)


1.Control the subtle heating of full -fledged cooking with the app

HESTAN CUE "Hestankyu Smart IH heater" "Hestanque Smart Fried Pan"

[A new sense of cooking tool landed from the United States.You can automatically adjust the detailed heat and reproduce the professional taste (Mr. Arai)] Hestan Cue "Hestankyu Smart IH heater" (55,000 yen) "Hestan quest smart frying pan" (33,000 yen)A new machine cooking tool used in conjunction with the IH heater and the dedicated cooking utensils and apps.The app has more than 400 kinds of recipes, communicating with an IH heater with a built -in high -sensitivity temperature sensor to elaborate the heating temperature and time.A dedicated source bread (33,000 yen) is also available.The app has a recipe video, and you can check the cooking process.You can also set the temperature and timer manual.

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