
[2022] 20 recommended small rice cookers!Super small rice cookers and luxury types that are popular for living alone | Limia (Limia) of Limia (Limia) House and Living Information

Small rice cooker suitable for one person

If there are few small rice cookers 0.There is also a size that can be cooked from 5 go, and it is suitable for cooking delicious rice cooked even in a small amount.The advantage is that it is easy to place in a studio room or 1K room because the size does not take up space.Such small rice cookers can be purchased from various manufacturers, and recently some small but excellent functionality.

Difference between small rice cookers and rice cookers

  • The big difference is how to cook rice

  • There is a type of rice cooker that can be poured over an open fire

A small rice cooker and a rice cooker that can cook a small rice.Depending on the type, not only the rice cooking function, but also a wide variety of stewed dishes and steamed dishes can be used.Unlike a rice cooker, a rice cooker that is OK for an open fire can be cooked on a bonfire or stove in outdoor scenes such as camping and glamping.Let's use it properly according to the use scene and application.Please refer to the following articles for information and recommended products for detailed rice cookers.

How to choose a small rice cooker

  1. 1.Choose by the capacity of the inner pot

  2. 2.Choose by heating method

  3. 3.Choose in terms of function

  4. 4.Choose for ease of care

  5. 5.Judgment by the characteristics of each manufacturer

  6. 6.Choose from the price

When choosing a small rice cooker, there are six points you want to keep.We will introduce various selections according to the purpose, such as capacity, heating method, and functional aspects.

Choose by the capacity of the inner pot

  • If you cook a small amount every time 0.5 to 1.5

  • If you cook at a stretch and frozen 1.5-3 go after ◎

There are some small capacity.0.From a small amount of 5 to 1 go to the amount that can be stored to some extent, such as 2 go and 3 go.In addition, there is also a lunch box size ultra -small rice cooker that is perfect for lunch alone.

If you cook a small amount every time 0.5 to 1.5


If you cook at a stretch and frozen 1.5-3 go after ◎

If you cook more than one meal at a time, freeze it, and eat it in a range each time, choose a large capacity.It is troublesome to cook every time you eat it, and even those who want to cook and freeze at once, it is a little larger..It is perfect around 5-3 go.After 3 so, since the advanced model is also available, the functional side is excellent, so you can cook delicious rice.

Choose by heating method

We will explain the characteristics of the three heating methods used in small rice cookers, IH, pressure IH, and microcomputers.

Microcomputer system

IH method

IH pressure system

Rice cooking method

Heat with a heater at the bottom of the inner pot

Add heat to the whole and cook rice

IH -type superheat & pressure from above

Rice cooking time








Other features

Old standard rice cooker



Microcomputer system|低価格で予算を抑えたい人向け

炊飯器本体の底面に設置されたヒーターから内釜を加熱するタイプがMicrocomputer system。内釜の底から徐々に温まるため、容量が多いと炊きムラが起こりやすいという欠点もあります。そのため、Microcomputer systemは小型炊飯器に向いた加熱方式といえるでしょう。構造もfunction面もシンプルなので、1万円以下など安価で購入できるものが多いです。そのため、いろいろなfunctionはいらなくてご飯が炊ければいい人や、できるだけ予算を抑えたい人はMicrocomputer systemがおすすめ。

IH method|CheapとDeliciousnessを両立したい人向け

電磁誘導加熱を利用して炊飯する方式がIH炊飯器。Microcomputer systemのように底から熱を伝えるのではなく、釜そのものを発熱させることで全体をまんべんなく加熱します。そのため、炊きムラが発生しにくく、ふっくらとしたご飯に炊き上げられるのが利点です。また、火力も強いため短時間で炊き上げることができるのも魅力。価格はピンキリですが、安価で購入できるものも多いため、安さとDeliciousness両方とも叶えたい方はIH methodがおすすめです。近年の主流ともなっている方式なので、どのメーカーからもいろいろな種類が展開されています。

IH pressure system|ごはんのDeliciousnessにこだわりたい人向け

IH methodに、さらに圧力functionを追加した加熱方式。小型炊飯器でも特に高級モデルに多いタイプです。圧力をかけることでよりお米に熱を素早く伝えることができるので、芯までふっくらもっちりとしたご飯に炊き上げます。これまでの加熱方式の中でも、特にご飯のDeliciousnessを重視したい人は、このIH pressure systemがおすすめ。

Choose in terms of function

  • Cooking mode

  • スチームfunction

  • 炊き分けfunction

近年の小型炊飯器はfunction面も優れているものが多いです。煮込み料理やケーキなどのCooking modeが搭載されていたり、炊き立てのみずみずしさを維持したまま保温できるスチーム保温functionなど。高級モデルになると、AIが搭載されてお米の状態に合わせて炊き分けることもできます。機種によっていろいろなfunctionがあるので、選ぶ際にこのfunction面もチェックしましょう。



Choose for ease of care

  • The ease of care is IH pressure

毎日使う炊飯器は、お手入れのしやすさも重要。お手入れを怠るとご飯の炊き上がりにも影響するので、できるだけお手入れしやすいものを選ぶとよいでしょう。特に、洗うパーツの数は要チェック。IH pressure systemは、圧力functionがある分マイコンに比べるとパーツが増える傾向があります。そのため、選ぶ際に洗いやすいかも確認しておくとよいでしょう。また、炊飯器本体がフラットで拭きやすい形状をしていたり、こびりつきにくい素材になっているかも選ぶポイントになるでしょう。

Judgment by the characteristics of each manufacturer


Purity stamp

Iron equipment that draws the sweetness ingredients of rice

Aged cooking that brings out rice nutrients

Cooked pressure that can choose 4 types of greens




A glossy nuakeru that allows you to enjoy the freshness of cooking at any time

3 kinds of white rice that can be selected according to the purpose

A 15 -minute short menu to help the busy morning self -catering


Hitsu Gozen where you can taste hot rice at the table

Highly heated driving iron / kettle with iron particles



Two cooking techniques that create goodness w Odori cooking

Stylish model with a touch key and glass panel

Iris Oyama


Extremely thick fire pot that cooks evenly

Equipped with low -carbohydrate and barley rice menu

Choose from the price




Small rice cooker Q & A


  1. 1.Q.Is rice cooked with a small rice cooker bad?

  2. 2.Q.How to throw a small rice cooker?Oversized garbage?

  3. 3.Q.What is one G?Can I cook with a rice cooker even with 1 go or less?

  4. 4.Q.Can a small rice cooker be used for traveling abroad?

Q. Is rice cooked with a small rice cooker bad?

A. 対流がポイント!よく炊く容量に合った炊飯器をチョイス

When cooking rice, when the water warms in the kettle and the convection occurs greatly, the rice is delicious and fluffy.Therefore, if you cook only a small amount in a large kettle, the taste will be reduced.If you want to cook only one meal, or if you don't eat much rice, it is recommended to introduce a low -capacity ultra -small rice cooker.

Q. How to throw a small rice cooker?Oversized garbage?

A. 地域によって分別が異なるため確認を!

Not only small ones, but rice cookers have different classifications and disposal methods depending on the size and municipalities, such as oversized garbage, non -burnable garbage, recycling.If you want to replace or dispose of it, check the rules of the area where you live.

【2022年】小型炊飯器のおすすめ20選!一人暮らしに人気の超小型炊飯器や高級タイプも|LIMIA (リミア) 住まい・暮らし情報のLIMIA(リミア)|100均DIY事例や節約収納術が満載 pin crown medal back of the medal PR spacialist icon professional icon

Q. What is one G?Can I cook with a rice cooker even with 1 go or less?

A. 1合は150g!0.5~炊けるタイプも

One go is 150g when converted to G.If you put rice in the 180ml weighing cup, it will be just one go, so be sure to use it.Also, the small rice cooker is just one cup of a medium -sized bowl..5から炊飯できる商品もあります。

Q. Can a small rice cooker be used for traveling abroad?

A. 海外対応タイプをチョイスすればOK

The voltage of the outlet differs depending on the country.Rice cookers for Japan have low voltage and cannot be used overseas.If you want to use it for overseas travel destinations or long -term stays, look for a small rice cooker compatible with AC240V.Be sure to check if you use a product without a voltage, which can cause fire or failure.

A small rice cooker recommended for living alone

Limia introduces rice cookers, especially for living alone, among small rice cookers.We also introduce a stylish rice cooker that can be placed in a room where you live alone, so please check it out.

Check out small rice cookers for small rice cookers


A small rice cooker for a minimal life

Small rice cookers can be stored in space saving as they are.Perfect for those living alone, as well as minimal living.Limia introduces how to choose from an expert and the recommended rice cooker rankings from popular manufacturers who have surveyed Limia users.If you are worried, please check here as well.

* The product information described is based on the survey results of the LIMIA editorial department (December 2021).* Reviews in the article are based on the survey results of the Limia editorial department (December 2021).* Part of the content displayed on this site is provided by Amazon Japan GK or its affiliated companies.These content are provided in "current appearance" and may be changed or deleted at any time.* When cleaning, be sure to remove the power plug before working./ * Since the care will vary depending on the product, be sure to work according to the product instruction manual.* Part of the image is an image.