
``100GBASE-AR'' and ``400GBASE-AR'' will be standardized in ``IEEE P802.3cw'' by defining PMD specifications in the middle of 2023?

"IEEE 802.3ct", the predecessor of "IEEE 802.3cn", will be standardized in 2021

This time we will talk about "IEEE 802.3cw". However, since it is still in the Task Force stage, it is treated as IEEE P802.3cw.

 This story about IEEE P802.3cw was introduced here, but in short, from the standards initially considered as "IEEE P802.3ct", only "400GBASE-ZR" was separated.

Originally, the predecessor of IEEE P802.3cw was "IEEE 802.3cn-2019" introduced last time.

 The name of this IEEE 802.3cn Study Group is "IEEE 802.3 Beyond 10 km Optical PHYs Study Group", and from there it was discussed that 50G/200G/400G standards would be standardized, but in each case the reach is 80 km, and two of 100G DWDM and 400G DWDM have been dropped from IEEE 802.3cn.

 The IEEE P802.3ct Task Force, which was formed in November 2018, was the destination where these were dropped. By the way, at the time of the previous article, the task force work was not completed yet.

However, the work progressed smoothly after that, and all Task Force work was completed at the conference call in May 2021. In June, standardization was completed as IEEE 802.3ct-2021.