
Forget the ten thousand yen bill scattered on the floor. "I'll give it to you today." "the real situation of the elderly families seen by the electrical shop on the street

Whether the air conditioner and TV are on! It will be very difficult for home appliances to break down suddenly. In the event of such a crisis, it is the nearby electronics store that is reliable. When my TV set broke last month, I asked the familiar electronics store to deal with it immediately. I can't forget the story I heard from e-commerce at that time. I want to get the understanding of e-commerce and introduce to you some of the disputes in the homes of the elderly. [cartoon] there is a strange atmosphere at home. "are there any symptoms of dementia?" The electrical store that commissioned me to replace the telephone set in the whole article is an old-fashioned electrical store that has been open for more than 30 years. Unlike the large home appliance mall, because it is rooted in the regional store, so most of the guests are familiar with nearby guests. From the entrustment that the TV is not lit and the air conditioner is broken, to the small commission that wants to change the fluorescent lamp can be dealt with. In particular, it is difficult for the elderly to change the light bulb themselves, and there are many people who are not familiar with home appliances, so about 70% of the entrustment is elderly guests. One day, a familiar guest, Mr. An in his 80s, put forward the entrustment of "because the phone has been lost, I want to replace it with a new one". There is one, but I lost one, which is very inconvenient, so I'd like to change it. After listening to this, the e-commerce judged that the extension of the phone had been lost. This kind of situation is very common in the homes of the elderly, so e-commerce went to Mr. A's house with a new telephone. This is the first time for e-commerce to come to A's house in several years. Entering through the porch, the luggage was first scattered everywhere, startled. Feeling the strange atmosphere, I went into the living room and went to the place where the telephone was placed. As a result, some of the mother phones were gone before, and only the telephone lines were extended. If you go down that line, It's in the locker. The phone was left in the cupboard. Mr. A said "I can't find the phone" because he put the mother phone in the cupboard. Mr. A seems to have contacted the e-commerce company at the extension. Suddenly, when he put his eyes on the stove, the child developed symptoms of dementia. While feeling uneasy, the e-commerce business explained that it would put the old phones in the same place first and there was no need for a new one. Then I suddenly put my eyes on the stove. There are dozens of ten thousand yen notes scattered there. "what's wrong with the money? "Yes, when e-commerce asks," Mr. A said, "my son is coming back today. I have to give you that money." But Mr. A's son should have passed away. I have heard before that e-commerce has a long relationship with Mr. A, and his son died of illness. E-commerce advised "put the money away first" and immediately contacted the regional comprehensive support center. I heard from the people who went to the government office of family A that there was a man who seemed to be selling fraud in and out of the house. It seems that the money at that time was going to be handed over to that man. Thanks to e-commerce, Mr. A did not suffer from fraud. In addition to the need to pay attention to the elderly in the region, there are several times because e-commerce has gone to the homes of the elderly, so that major events will not happen. In addition, although it is not an incident, but they unplug the refrigerator, so that the ingredients rot, their own remote control can not see the TV, such disputes occur from time to time. In aging Japan, the existence of e-commerce like this is essential. I think the e-commerce on the street not only solves the problem of using electricity, but also pays attention to the elderly. (Maido News specially invited long Okaoka apricot)

床に散らばる1万円札 先立った息子を忘れ「今日帰ってくるから渡すの…」 街の電気屋さんが見た高齢世帯のリアル

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