
The popular vertical washing machine beat wash is shipped 10 million units.I heard about development secret stories and current washing trends -Home appliances Watch

Hitachi Global Life Solutions has announced that the vertical washing machine Beat Wash has achieved a total of 10 million units in February 2022.

Beatwash, which was released in June 2004, was released by "push, hits, and washed", which is neither a spiral type (vertical cleaning method) nor a drum type "3rd generation beat type".Developed as.It is still popular as a mechanism that has the power of dirt removal while saving water.

根強い人気の縦型洗濯機ビートウォッシュが出荷1千万台。開発秘話と今の洗濯トレンドを聞いた - 家電 Watch

In addition, in addition to the first time in 2011, a "automatic cleaning", which automatically washing the washing tub was washed, was installed in 2011, introduced a "wind iron course" that enhances the drying function, an unprecedented single plate, and an enhanced drying function.And it is still evolving.

According to GFK Japan data, the washing machine market in 2021 was 5.2 million units as the same as the previous year, exceeding 5 million for the fourth consecutive year.The drum type, which is strong, increased by 14%from the previous year, but still, when the quantity configuration ratio is still, the vertical laundry is overwhelmingly large, with 17%of the drum type, 80%for the vertical type, and 3%for the tank type.A machine.

Among them, Hitachi's beatwash is very popular with its own cleaning method.Looking back on the achievement of 10 million units, we talked to the launch in 2004 and the current product planning staff about the difficulties and current trends at the time of development.
