
[Recommended home appliances that should be replaced by co -working] Check out the remarkable small home appliances and seasonal appliances!

The life of home appliances is said to be about 6 to 10 years depending on the product.Recent home appliances are hard to break down, but in fact, it is better to buy a new one in the right place.In the second part of the "Mast Home Electronics", a small home appliance recommended for dual -income families and the air conditioner specializing in ventilation that is noticeable in corona evil!Kazumi Ishii, a home appliance professional reviewer who has been reviewing for over 15 years, will tell you the point of replacement and recommended products.[Recommended home appliances that should be replaced by co -working] Refrigerator, washing machine, TV ... Large home appliances are "life expectancy" and "evolution of technology"!


Check out small home appliances with remarkable evolution!

The number of people who want to review home appliances is increasing in order to create a more comfortable living environment.Not only large home appliances, but also small home appliances such as vacuum cleaners and rice cookers are selling well, and unique and convenient products appear one after another.This time, we will introduce the hottest vacuum cleaners, rice cookers, and air conditioners.If you are considering a replacement, please check it out.

Easy to clean and easy to use.

A vacuum cleaner with the impression that cordless has become the mainstream and the replacement cycle is slightly shorter. The holding period of repair parts is about 6 years. As the functions have evolved year by year, the Shark EVOPOWER series has become so famous for the powerful and stylish handicapped "EVOPOWER". Lightweight and powerful cleaning power, and a stylish design that makes it difficult to give a sense of life even if you keep it, lower the psychological hurdle for cleaning, and "I want to clean it immediately when you notice garbage". Successful digging up. In 2019 and 2020, the domestic handy cleaner market has gained the number one of 50%or more share. The cordless cleaner "EVOPOWER SYSTEM ADV (Evo Power System Advanced) Cordless Stick Cleaner" released by the Shark is also attracting attention with its ease of use, high cleaning ability, and slim and interior accent.

What surprised me when I actually used it was ease of holding.The angle of the handle is just right, and the head is a little heavy, so the stability is outstanding.Even if you throw away the garbage, the dust box opens just by pressing the button and it is easy to throw it away.You can easily clean shelves, sofas, futons, etc. by using the attached attachment.The suction power is also excellent, so you can clean not only the floor but also the whole house.