
Introducing Electrolux vacuum cleaners, functions and battery life!

Ergora Peed, an Elgola Lux, a Swedish consumer electronics manufacturer, is a vacuum cleaner that is loved worldwide due to its excellent performance and design.This time, I will introduce the product called Ergora Pedo.

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Many people use a vacuum cleaner when cleaning.If you clean it every day, it is natural to choose a model that is easy to use.Ergora Peed, an Elgola Lux, a Swedish consumer electronics manufacturer, is a vacuum cleaner that is loved worldwide due to its excellent performance and design.This time, let's focus on a spot on the product called Ergora Peed.

Introducing the Ergora Peed function

Ergora Pedo is a stick type vacuum cleaner.The most attractive stick type is powerful driving that strongly sucks garbage.The garbage removal rate on the flooring is 98 % surprising!Mostly the garbage on the course sucks with a smooth moving head.


About Ergora Peed Battery

It is such an ergola peed, but how long does the battery life last? According to the official Electrolux answer, it can be used about 3750 times by cleaning in Ergora Peed for about 6 minutes a day (in the case of a model with a 18V lithium -ion battery). It is likely to increase or decrease depending on the number of uses and the frequency of charging, but it seems that the operating time is guaranteed for more than 300 hours. By the way, Ergora Peed is designed so that it does not burden even if the battery is charged additionally, so the battery lasts longer when charging is bean. Basically, you cannot replace the battery yourself (the battery is soldered for safety). There is an article on the net that the vacuum cleaner battery was replaced by itself, but please do not manage it!


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Use an electrolux vacuum cleaner!

This time, I introduced Ergora Peed as a representative vacuum cleaner of Electrolax.Users who love Ergora Pedo seem to be attracted to smart designs.It is also attractive that you can easily clean it if you are worried about dust in the room.It would be better to use Ergora Peed to be a habit, as it would be better to use it frequently.

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