I don't want to make a vacuum cleaner, but I don't have the money to buy a rumba ... Let's make a low budget DIY Rumba
The cleaning robot has more and more attachments.
掃除機をかけるのは大っ嫌いだけど、お金を使うのも大っ嫌いだからルンバは買いたくない?じゃあルンバもどきを自作しちゃうのはどうでしょうか。安いハンディクリーナーやArduino、そしてモーターやバッテリーなどを乗っければ、ほら自動で掃除してくれるお掃除ロボが作れちゃうんです。The video is from CircuitDigest.
This self -made cleaning robot introduces how to make CIRCUITDIGEST.The motor is equipped with a battery, and it is a mechanism to avoid obstacles with infrared and ultrasonic sensors, and the core is Arduino UNO.
I don't know how many people say, "I don't want to clean it myself, but I love soldering and I want to assemble such a cleaning robot!"?
Image by Gizmodo US
Source: CircuitDigest Via Arduino
Andrew Liszewski -Gizmodo US [Original text]