
How to use microphone 5: How to maintain microphones and cables | Tunegate.me Mike Mike Course 5: How to maintain microphones and cables | Tunegate.me

Mike usage course 5: Maintenance method of microphone and cable

Mike usage course 5: Maintenance method of microphone and cable


"Mike usage course" that lectures about how to use microphones in home recording.The fifth (final) explains the maintenance of microphones and cables.

Mike usage course 5: Maintenance method of microphone and cable|TuneGate.me Mike usage course 5: Maintenance method of microphone and cable|TuneGate.me

■ Maintenance of microphones and cables regularly!

After recording of the vocal, cleanly wipe off the mesh -shaped metal part of the microphone itself with an instrument cloth. The type of pop guards that can be attached to the stand can be washed in both cloth and metal. After washing, place it in a well -ventilated place and dry it firmly. For the microphone itself and the terminals of the cable, apply anhydrous ethanol (alcohol) to a cotton swab about once a month. If you use alcohol containing moisture other than anhydrous ethanol, the terminal will rust, so be sure to use anhydrous ethanol. In addition, when a contact resurrection agent is attached to a cotton swab and applied to the terminal about once every three months, the traffic light will improve and the sound quality will be improved. Apply the contact resurrection agent very thinly and then wipe it off with a cotton swab.

■ Tools used for microphone maintenance

For cleaning microphones, you may want to prepare the tools on the left image.(1) anhydrous ethanol, (2) normal size cotton swab, ③ Baby size cotton swab, (4) cross for musical instruments, (4) lens cleaner for camera (fleeted paper), ⑥ point resurrection agent.Approximately 500ml of anhydrous ethanol is available for about 1,000 yen.Lens cleaners and non -flicker paper are available for around 700 yen at home appliance shops and home centers.The contact resurrection agent is available at a musical instrument store for about 500-2,000 yen.

Mike maintenance

First, wipe the mesh at the tip with a dry cloth, such as a musical instrument, and remove water (left).In the terminal part, it will remove the dirt attached to the normal size cotton swab with anhydrous ethanol (right).In addition, since the anhydrous ethanol dries quickly, it is okay to attach it more.

Cable maintenance

The female terminal of the microphone cable has a small hole, so use a cotton swab for a baby.After all, clean and clean the absolute ethanol.In addition, wipe the cable with a pawn terminal with a lens cleaner for a camera that does not have dust.

Precautions when storing a microphone stand

When you use a microphone stand, be sure to leak the lever for adjusting the angle of the boom.If you keep it tight, the rubber of the stopper inside will be stiff and you will not be able to fix the boom firmly.This is not a cleaning know -how, but it is an effective technique to make the microphone stand last.

Popgard maintenance

Wash the pop guard with fresh water and wash off saliva and dust.When the dirt is severe, it is beautiful to dilute the kitchen neutral detergent about 30 to 50 times with water.

[Tips] Let's store the microphone in a case without moisture.

Moisture, heat, and vibration are great enemies for microphones.Therefore, put a cushion such as sponge and air packing on the bottom of a plastic sealed case, and store it with a desiccant.The desiccant is also effective in a bag of sweets such as rice crackers.Leave it in the room and note that the sensitivity of the microphone will deteriorate if the wind is always hit.If you want to keep it in earnest, we recommend the camera deskator (moisturizing room).

If you put a desiccant in a case that can be obtained at such a home improvement center, it can be used as a simple microphone storage case.

A digital caterer (moisture -proof room) called Tori Han's NT -83 -miiWh.Because it is silent and no vibration.Many professionals love.The price is $ 39,900.

Sentence: Yuichiro Fuse Photo: Kazuo Kogai cooperation: Mitsuru Sato