Explain the basics of the view of "family phase"!How to improve when the family minister is bad, the difference from Feng Shui
Do you know the word "family"?Sometimes I hear, but the details are unknown.What expresses the quality of the residence?A kind of feng shui?I guess some people think that.It seems that you know and you often do not understand.In this article, we will hold down the basics of "family phase" and introduce how to improve.
【目次】What is the family minister?
The "family phase" determines the good luck from the direction and the floor plan from the viewpoint of "Yoshimi" and "evil."Although it was thought that the superstition elements were strong, scientific research is now progressing, and it can be said that it is a "family study" based on academic elements such as architecture and housing studies.It can be said that it is an indispensable study for creating a comfortable home that matches the Japanese culture.
Feng Shui, the source of the "family", was born in China and grew up in Japan in a completely different environment.It is said that "Feng Shui" is a parent and "family" is a relationship like a parent and child of a child.
It is said that the foundation of the family was transmitted from China to Japan around 600 AD.At the same time, Buddha was transmitted from India, and a unique view of Japanese religion called "Shinbutsu Shugo" appeared, where God and Buddha are integrated.He has developed its own, influenced by academic, politics and historical events such as Shinto and Buddha training and Yin -Yang Road.
In the Edo period's literature, "Family Hometown Instructions," it describes not only the commentary of the direction of the direction, but also the judgment of the Bagua and the calendar.Fortune -telling and family phases are hidden in the Meiji era, and they seem to be changing through the rough waves of the Pacific War.
Feng Shui, which has been handed down since ancient times in China, is set with "Yin Hakushii (watching the residence of a deceased person such as a grave)" and "Yoho House Feng Shui (watching the land and buildings of living people)".You can see the good luck from the land and buildings.
The family minister is the idea that this "Yo -House Feng Shui" has developed Japan's unique development through ethnicity, climate, and religious views.To put it more clearly, it can be divided as follows.
・「家相」誰がどこに住むかは関係なく、方位の吉凶が決まっています。・ “Feng Shui” From where you live, the date of birth and the birthplace of each individual, you will see the good luck from the “fate” and the “natural quality”.
Chinese people have the idea that their ancestors are starting and all offspring are the same bloodline clan.On the other hand, Japan is the starting point and wishes for the prosperity of the descendants.Due to this difference in thinking, the basics of "Yo -House Feng Shui" are how to search for Yoshinomi, and the basics of "family phase" are in a way to avoid evil.
Basics of how to look at the family
The item is indispensable for family appraisal.The orthodox is a tool for judging the family minister and is used along with the floor plan of the house.
There are eight directions on the a lot of directions.First, based on the north, the north and south connected throughout the center, and the east and west are "four directions"."Eight directions" are 45 degrees between the four directions, northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest.
Happo ranks natural providence, such as the operation of the sun, and is the basis for building a house.In the first place, "family phase" is a study based on the direction, and the direction is meaningful one by one.In addition to the "family member", the direction of each family is determined, and there are twelve branches that are closely related to health, and the nine -star direction determined by the year of birth.
The direction is determined by the relationship between the five elements of Thursday, Fire, Saturday, Gold, and Water in the "Yin and Yang Five Elements", which understands natural providence.This idea is included in the whole family.
In addition, the azumer is classified as "zodiac directions" and "ten -dried direction", and there are "Twenty -fourth Mountains", which is divided into 24 directions in total.The "direction" is a drawing only in the direction.The information such as what kind of equipment to be installed in which direction of the house is written is called "family phase (family board)".
When using the ace, the center of the building is the diagonal of the four corners of the building.Combine the center of the floor plan and the center of the azimuth board, the direction is set, and the direction is placed on the floor plan drawing.
"Onimon" is the direction of the northeast from the center of the house, and in the zodiacs of the zodiacs, the direction of Ushita is the direction of Ushita.In the zodiac direction, it is the direction of Shiji.It has been feared as a direction in which demons come and go.
The lines drawn from the center of the house (Tai Chi) to the north and south are called the "mid -middle line", and the line that has been drawn east and west from the center of the house is called "Shigusen"."Square Line" is a right angle (90 degrees) of the "midline".
"Tai Chi" is a point that is connected to everything and God, and the middle line is a sacred road that God passes, just like a shrine.In the demon gate and back Onimon on the "mid -middle line" and "four corner lines", do not install unclean things, such as toilets and kitchens.It is also strictly prohibited that the building "chip" in the "mid -middle line" and "four corner lines" is strictly.
The convex of the length up to 1/3 of the length of one side is called "tension", and the concave of the length up to 1/3 of the length of the side is called "chip".Basically, "tension" is good, and "chipping" is a bad idea.
"Taigo", "Onimon", and "Ura Onemon" are called "Three places", and "Kaga", "Laves", and "wells" are called "Sanbi".Since ancient times, there has been a word "Sansei Sanbi" that keeps three places from being three places, and has been regarded as the basis of the family.
It is a word that came from the idea that the area around water and fire were regarded as "unrealistic things", and the arrangement of uncleanness is important.In modern times, kitchens, toilets, bathrooms, and the entrance, which is the face of the house, is an important place.
Checkpoint when looking at the family minister
The entrance is the face of the house, and is one of the five major important points (house stance, entrance, fire, toilet, bathroom) that judges the good luck of the family.
・鬼門(北東)、裏鬼門(南西)に配置しない。・家族の十二支方位を避ける。・「正中線」「四隅線」に配置しない。・玄関は、もともと「開き(あき)」と判断するので凶相となるため、張り出す配置にすると凶相を免れる。・小さすぎる玄関はバランスが悪く、特に商売人の方は大きいほうが吉。・玄関の真正面に門を作らない。左右どちらかにずらすといい。The kitchen is one of the five important points, just like the entrance.The kitchen is a place to use fire and water, so it is greatly involved in good luck.Not only the room itself, but also the location of the fire such as a stove and a water heater, you need to pay attention.
・鬼門(北東)、裏鬼門(南西)に配置しない。・東か東南がオススメ。・清潔さを保ち、生ゴミや調理の匂いがこもらないように換気する。窓を開けて風通しをよくする。The bedroom is a place of rest to get tired of a day.The point is to make a quiet and secure room.
・安眠のため、人通りの激しい道路に面した場所、キッチンや玄関の側は望ましくない。・寝室は1日の約1/3を過ごす場所なので、壁など内装素材にも気を配る。・汚れた空気は1階から2階に上がるため、寝室は1階がふさわしい。・家族の幸せのため、主人の寝室は北西がベスト。・北枕は健康にいい。・熱気がこもり、強いエネルギーの南は寝室に向かない。The living room is the most important place after the entrance, such as family harmony and hospitality.Moderate warmth, breathability, cleanliness, etc. are required.
・モノが多く散らかっているリビングは運気を下げるので、収納スペースがどこかにあるといい。・北は日当たりが悪く、西は西日が当たり精神的に落ち着かないため避けたほうがいい。・太陽のエネルギーが大きく、日当たりのいい東や東南がオススメ。・新鮮な空気を取り込めるように、適度な大きな窓があるといい。・エアコンや電気、ガスストーブはいいが、薪ストーブや暖炉は家相上「火」になるので凶相。・吹き抜けは「欠け」の要素。大きすぎる吹き抜けはNG。It is one of the five important points.The toilet is bad in any direction.It is important to note that if you place it in a bad direction, it will become even stronger.
・鬼門(北東)、裏鬼門(南西)に設置しない。できれば北も避けたい。・中央(太極)は鬼門線上よりよくない。・東か東南がオススメ。・臭いや湿気で空気がよどむ場所なので、換気が重要。・汚水管は最短で外に出す。The bath, which is around the water, is also included in the five major points that judge the good luck of the family.The bath, where the family remains dirt for the day, has a moisture and air stamps lower energy, especially on health.
・鬼門(北東)・裏鬼門(南西)に設置しない。・南は「火」の象意があり、北西は湿気が残るため、避けたほうがいい。・カビの発生や排水溝の掃除など、風通しと換気を重要視する。It is easy to overlook stairs that are not rooms, but be careful as they are in the center, as it will be a great fault.
・建物の中央から半径2mの範囲を避ければ、基本的にはどの方位に配置してもいい。・オススメは北東の鬼門方位。 北東は日当たりが悪く、水回りや玄関を配置できないため。・2階から1階に向かう階段が、そのまま玄関に到達するのも凶相。・方位によっては、階段の下にトイレを設置しても大丈夫。How to look at the family ministers of apartments and apartments
In the case of apartments such as condominiums, it is also important to see not only the room but also the entire building.Both the building and the site have a good square, and the triangle and the complex form are evil.It is better to avoid buildings such as L -shaped, U -shaped, and b.
Depending on the school, there are various ways to put out the center of the building, but the basics of detached houses and the center of the center are the same.Depending on the size and degree of tension and chip, the way of taking the center will change.
For example, in the case of an L -shaped apartment house, the center is determined from the parts.As a form that combines some rectangles, the intersection of each rectangle is determined, and the intersection is connected by lines.
The room where the veranda is facing east, southeast and south is good.It is said that the corner room is good in consideration of ventilation and lighting.
In the family minister, more than six stories are bad.Because living on a high floor cannot get the energy of the earth from the soil.It is said that the family phase is the "land phase" that represents the nature of the land, and that people are receiving the energy of the land.
If you live in a 3-5 -story building, the 3rd and 5th floors on the odd floor are good.If it is a two -story building, the first floor is good, but if there is a parking lot next to it, it will be a bad idea.
What is a deformed apartment and a lack of room is a bad idea.It is also important to note that elevators and stairs are located in the demon from home.The points I want to check are the entrance, kitchen, toilet, and bath.
Make sure the water is not concentrated in the center of the room or the north.In general, many properties are arranged in corridors, storage, toilet, and bathrooms in the center due to the adjacent rooms.In addition, in order to incorporate light into the living space as much as possible, a veranda is created on the south side, and there may be an entrance on the north side or the water area is concentrated.
The center of the room is the most important part, so it is better not to have water or kitchen here in the family minister.The ideal floor plan is that there are windows in the toilet and bath.It improves breathability, has natural light, and can be expected to have a bactericidal effect.Check the ventilation in the kitchen as well.
If the family minister is not good ... how to luck
Speaking of bad houses, there are some unclean things on the "mid -middle line" and "four corners" and the demon gate and back demon gate.If there is an entrance, water area, kitchen, entrance, gate, etc. at the demon gate and back Onimon, the evil effects will affect the residents.
If you have a toilet or bath, you will have health disorders such as sleep disorders, mental illnesses, respiratory diseases, allergies, and blood diseases.It is said that if you have a entrance, you will have trouble in human relationships, such as restructuring, poor management, and bullying at work.
Surprisingly, the drainage port of the wash basin, the stove, a water heater, and a fixed stove that are unexpectedly noticeable.It is dangerous if such a thing is on the "mid -middle line" and "four corners".In particular, things related to "firearms" have an effect on the neck, and are thought to have problems such as migraine, mental illness, and brain tumors.
The entrance is an important place at the entrance.It seems that you may inadvertently become evil depending on what you put.Is there a mirror at the entrance?Are umbrellas and shoes scattered in the entrance?The umbrella stand contains water, and it is easy to cause badness, and the shoes are dirty and smell.
As a good luck method, it is a good idea to try a simple interior.If the floor plan cannot be changed, the items will be weakened with items and balance the luck of the entire house.
If there is an entrance, water area, or kitchen at the demon gate or back Onimon, it is recommended to incorporate "red items" such as red mats.It is said that the word "to avoid the magic by wearing red" is that the demon is sealed.However, red and purple mats are NG in the north entrance, west and northwest entrance.
If there is a toilet in Onimon or Ura Onimon, "charcoal" is the best.Charcoal that remove the odor sucks uncleanness.If there is a kitchen in the demon or back Onimon, we recommend installing a fire extinguisher.Not only the red effect, but also a fire, such as a fire, is two birds with one stone.
At the entrance, put your shoes in a small clog box and make them refresh.The production of a refreshing scent is also good.If you place an umbrella stand in the north direction of the entrance, your luck will rise.Be careful about the arrangement of the mirror.If the outside scenery is reflected, you will need to change the position immediately, as it will bring you a bad idea from the outside.
One of the ultimate ways to improve the luck is the "crystal sides" that fills "crystal" in the four corners of the building.However, it is difficult for those who do not know, so I recommend "Shinto shelves".I wish you home safety by worshiping eight million gods.It is a good idea to avoid the demon and back demon, and turn the direction of the eastern, southeast, and south sun rising.
What I want to live in a comfortable life is the same as before.The "family" was nurtured in Japan for "living safely and happily" with ideas and learning from overseas to feng shui derived from China.
The "family" is full of wisdom and ingenuity, which is indispensable for creating a comfortable home.I would like to incorporate it from a new building, renovation, moving, and a hint to live a better life than the current situation.
(Sakurano Suizuki)
桜乃 翠月(さくらのみづき)Belongs to Ikebukuro Fortune -telling Hall Selene.He is a fortune teller who is good at oriental occupation, such as tarot, astrology on the night, and four pillars.Learn Feng Shui and family from the actual experience of improving insomnia with feng shui.It fuses the knowledge of aroma and proposes a fragrant feng shui and family.
◆占いコンテンツ・ Fortune -telling hall Selene