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How do I care for my down jacket?

The time has come for “down jackets” to play an active role. When I wear a down jacket, oil stains and sweat stains may adhere to it. Should I send it out for cleaning immediately if it gets dirty? Or can it be washed at home? Also, do you have any tips or tricks for storing down jackets in a closet in early spring? I asked the person in charge of Hakuyosha (Ota Ward, Tokyo). [Image] How should I care for my down jacket?

Dirt causes stains

Q.What should I do if my down jacket gets dirty? Should it be cleaned immediately? Or is it possible to wash with water at home? Person in charge: “If it gets dirty, we recommend that you take it out for cleaning as soon as possible before it becomes a stain that is difficult to remove. This is because it is difficult for detergents to pass through the fabric, making it difficult to remove stains.Check the washing label on the garment to determine whether it can be washed at home.Even if you can wash it at home, there are cases where it is difficult to dry. In that case, it is recommended to ask a cleaning shop." Q.It is said that if the dirt is left unattended, it will become stained. Or should it be limited to once a year? Person in charge: “If you wear it frequently, we recommend cleaning it several times during the season. Down jackets and coats are covered with dust and exhaust gases contained in the outside air over a wide area, and the neck and wrists come into contact with them. This is because dirt such as sebum and sweat will stick to the area.By washing frequently, you can prevent the dirt on the down jacket from becoming difficult to remove.If there is dirt or stains that you are concerned about, please contact us at the time of request. , it is good to tell the store about the location and content of the stain (when and what was attached)." Q. What method should be used when washing with water? Person in charge: “As I mentioned earlier, check the washing label on the garment to see if it can be used in a washing machine and the appropriate washing temperature. , Use a neutral detergent and a pail to wash gently and carefully.In the pail, (1) gently press with the palm of your hand, (2) lightly lift, (3) press again, and repeat the process. If it is polyester or nylon, some dirt can be easily removed by stroking the surface with a sponge.After washing, remove the down jacket from the tub and gently press it with the palm of your hand 2 or 3 times to remove moisture. If it's a small size down jacket, gently wrap it in a bath towel to remove the water easily.To wash thick or large items, fill the washing machine with water. Or use a bath tub.Also, if it is difficult to wring out, place the lid of the bathtub at an angle.Because it is difficult for water to pass through down jackets, use a dehydrator. Some products cannot be used.Please check the product and washing machine instructions carefully.When drying, lay flat to dry and shake occasionally to loosen the down inside.Partial care such as collar and cuffs If there is any stains, we recommend that you consult with a dry cleaner.” Q. Please tell us about the precautions and tips when storing down jackets that have been used in early spring. Person in charge: Storing the product as it is without taking care of it may cause odors, stains, or mold. Before storing the product, be sure to send it to the dry cleaners or wash it at home. Store it out of direct sunlight and remove the vinyl cover from the dry cleaner, otherwise the down jacket will become damp and degrade in quality. Don't forget to put a dehumidifier in the place and ventilate it from time to time.Because down jackets need storage space, I think it's convenient to use the storage service of a laundry store.You don't have to worry about wrinkles If so, it might be a good idea to roll it up and store it like a duvet.” Q.When you use a down jacket, the feathers will pop out. If so, should I consider replacing it? Person in charge: “It is a characteristic of down wear that the feathers start to pop out, and the softness and warmth of down wear decline, and it is difficult to maintain the original state indefinitely. The average number of years of use for a kimono is sometimes thought to be 3 to 4 years, but changes in condition such as feathers popping out vary depending on the product and how often it is worn. I think it depends."

Otonancer Editorial Department