Coexistence with a living robot?10 "Future Science and Technology" with highly feasible
Coexistence with a living robot?10 "Future Science and Technology" with highly feasible
ここ数年は誰もが辛い思いをしてきましたが、だからといってすべてがこのまま下降線をたどるわけではありません。Coexistence with a living robot?10 "Future Science and Technology" with highly feasible私は愚かな楽観主義者かもしれませんが、この記事に挙げたテクノロジーとトレンド10選のおかげで、私は未来に純粋な希望を抱くことができます。未来には、多くの死や環境破壊を伴う2020年代のビジョンでなく、浮遊都市や喋るロボットが登場する50年代の希望に満ちたSFビジョンに住むことになるかもしれません。目次1. The price of alternative energy drops sharply2. End of MRNA vaccine and pandemic3. 自動運転車の発展4. 絶滅種の復活5. 生きているロボット6. 人間の動きを介助するロボットエクソスケルトン7. パーソナル・ジェットパック8. 仮想空間や拡張空間の感覚を肌で感じられるフルボディスーツ9. 家庭で健康チェックできるスマート家電10. 持続可能な製法で作られたウォッカや眼鏡
1. The price of alternative energy drops sharply
Solar cells and wind power have not begun now, but have reached an important turning point in the last 10 years.It means that power generation due to solar and wind has become cheaper than fossil fuels.This is a breakthrough.This is because it is no longer necessary to appeal to public subsidies and good intentions to build wind and solar power plants and introduce renewable energy.Instead, it is a natural resource that people should be greedy and have too much greed.More than anything else, the production cost of wind and solar energy will continue to decline.
2. End of MRNA vaccine and pandemic
If there is a bright sign in a global pandemic, it is the speed of the vaccine.Pfizer's new Coronavirus vaccine has been awarded the first Messenger RNA, which was fully subsidized by a large amount of public funds and has been fully approved by FDA, given the results of several decades.Of course, this will not be the last.Using the RNA created in the laboratory, the progress of "teaching" a specific threat to a human immune system is the prevention of various diseases, such as AIDS, heart disease, cancer, and aging phenomena.We have infinite possibilities for treatment.In addition, this development speed of the new vaccine may be the key to stopping the next pandemic before it becomes a global scale.