
A husband who gets angry when he vacuums on holidays. What should I do in such a case?

There may be pros and cons to say that there are no holidays in housework. However, just because it's a holiday doesn't mean that you can't move and just take a rest. On the other hand, what about your husband ...There was a post like this in the Mama Master community

"When my husband vacuums on his days off, he gets angry. noisy! When. I usually don't vacuum when I have a husband, but today my kid messed up the candy scraps and vacuumed it. It takes about 2 minutes to get angry. Even so, I was in a bad mood, but is everyone's husband like that? 』\

The poster said that he couldn't leave the messy candy scraps alone and vacuumed them for about two minutes. This would have been a sensation for the husband who enjoys the holidays. She screamed "noisy!" And seemed to be in a bad mood after that. Well, is this common or not? Let's get to know the circumstances of other families.

What would your husband do if you vacuumed on holidays?

"I'll make you annoyed"

"It feels noisy, but I'm not angry or in a bad mood."

It seems that there are other husbands who take an attitude that makes them understand that, even if they don't dare to say "noisy". The sound of a fairly loud vacuum cleaner may be a kind of noise for my husband during the holidays, but is it OK to leave the dust flying without cleaning? I would like to ask.

"We also say," Do it when I'm not there! " Even though I work late every morning. Because this kind of thing continues, "Why don't you come to work early?" "My husband is back!"

"I'm very angry. "You can't hear the sound of the TV," or "I'm not calm even though it's a day off from work." That habit is complaining about "there is dust" and "the hair has fallen". "

Oh, after all, there was a contradictory husband who was worried about the clutter of the room despite the fact that the sound was noisy. It seems that there are many husbands who push only their own convenience, but I also want them to understand that moms have moms, children have children, and homes have home conveniences. If all the complaints seem to continue, the family will eventually say, "If so, do it yourself" and "Don't come back while you're awake."


"If we were sitting on the sofa, we would raise both legs to make him a clever man."

"Rather, if you call your husband's room when you have a husband, you will be thankful."

"I won't get angry. Thank you when I start vacuuming! While saying that, he keeps it out of the way. "

On the other hand, some husbands say "Thank you" instead of getting angry. The feeling of gratitude will spring up because we know that the room is in a clean state = it is not natural. If you can show such kindness, your efforts will be rewarded. There is also such a husband among them.

"My husband is rather playing my house"

I think she is a beautiful husband. With this kind of person, moms can sometimes enjoy themselves.

What should I do for mom who complains to her husband?

"Then, why don't you say hello? 』\

"Use items that can be easily cleaned because they are troublesome"

If you get sick every time you vacuum, you won't be able to do the housework and you won't feel good either. Then what if I leave it to my husband? No, I've received the advice, "Let me do it." The theory is, "If you say you're noisy, you can't vacuum, then do it yourself at your own time." Alternatively, you may want to avoid trouble by using a disposable floor cleaning mop or a cleaning tool that does not make noise from the beginning, such as rags.

My husband's attitude may change with a little voice ...?

"When someone is there, I wonder if I'm asking" Can I vacuum? "

"If you really have to call at that time, I'm not bad, but let's say" I'm sorry I'm vacuuming because it was messy. " It's also a matter of feeling. "

A husband who wants to relax at home may want to spend his time quietly, but on the other hand, if there is dirt or dust that moms care about, he may have to clean it. In other words, the requests of each other have collided. From a standpoint, I would like to cast a vote for a mom who might think, "I'm just playing my part, so it's not a little good", but let's change the perspective a little. Perhaps even moms don't want to be frustrated by the little things on their holidays. If so, why don't you try to say "I'm going to vacuum" in advance when the poster becomes an adult. Even for my husband, rather than suddenly "noise" roaring, the feelings may change because of the prior sentence ...? Even a single word can be a cushion. Make it a habit to speak out. I hope the whole family will be able to spend their holidays comfortably.

Sentence, Komomo illustration, Ponko editing, blackcat

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